A 30-mile sponsored walk is taking place this weekend to raise money to make Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool more sustainable. 

A group of pool users, carers and volunteers will walk along the Thames path from Lechlade to Oxford on Saturday, May 4. 

The pool is a vital asset to the community, open seven days a week, and offers an accessible place for 700 visitors to exercise each week.

Trustee Stanley Roper explained: “The pool was opened in 1979 and has no insulation. We’re raising money to keep it open sustainably by installing solar panels and heat pumps to reduce our gas and electric bill.”  

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The team has been forced to increase their admission prices after a significant rise in utility bill costs.  

They predict using sustainable energy will bring costs down by 60 per cent. 

“Our gas bill was around £1,000 a month before Christmas," said Stanley. "In January this year it was over £8,000 and in February it was just under £8,000. It’s really hit us hard."

“Luckily for us nobody has complained and they’ve appreciated the importance of it, because that’s the only way we can keep the pool going.

“Things in the long term are looking good.”