A repeat offender caught carrying knives and Class A drugs in Eldene has been sent behind bars.

Christopher Howard, of Kennedy Drive, appeared in the dock at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Wednesday (May 14).

The 44-year-old pleaded guilty to having a kitchen knife and a flick-knife with a four-inch blade in his possession along with a quantity of crack cocaine while in public.

On the same date, after being taken into custody, he spat at a detention officer and it landed on the man's shoulder, which is classed as assault of an emergency worker.

The court heard that this was not the first time that Howard had been convicted of carrying bladed weapons or assaulting detention officers.

Tom Power, prosecuting, read out a short statement from his latest victim: "This kind of situation happens so often it's affecting my mental health.

"I'm just trying to do my job."

Mr Power explained that police had wanted to speak to the defendant about unrelated matters when they found the knives and illegal drugs.

Gordon Hotson, defending, said that his client had voluntarily mentioned what was in his coat before the officers searched him, that the weapons were not used to threaten, and that his client was drunk at the time.

Howard has been jailed for 12 months and ordered to pay £187 to fund victim services. The knives and drugs will be forfeited and destroyed.

Five charges of vehicle interference were discontinued. There was no order to pay court costs.

His criminal record includes 41 convictions for 121 offences. He has previously appeared in court and in the Adver for various reasons.

In September 2021, while trying to shoplift a  £3 bottle of beer from the Cavendish Square Co-op, he grabbed a store assistant by the throat and threw him to the ground, then racially abused a special constable and spat at another officer.

On March 2, 2021, Howard was made subject to a 30-week suspended sentence for a spree that included theft, harassment, and assaulting emergency workers.

The Co-op incident activated his suspended sentence, which totalled 48 weeks in custody.

In September 2020, he was given a 10-month jail sentence for spitting at police officers, urinating in his police cell, interfering with vehicles in Walcot, damaging a police van, theft, and possessing a lock knife.