IT is the greatest gift a father could give – the gift of life.

And that is exactly what local artist Ken White imparted when he discovered his daughter desperately needed a kidney transplant.

Now, just three weeks after the operation that changed their lives, Ken and Laura have joined the Adver’s Gift Of Life campaign to encourage Swindonians to join the organ donor register.

As soon as I came round after the operation I instantly felt different,” said Laura Penn, who lives with husband Simon in Eastcott Hill, Old Town.

“I felt like I could dance on the table – I can’t explain it.”

The 29-year-old has suffered from an auto-immune disease for the last nine years. The disease means her immune system works overtime and ultimately attacks her body – resulting in kidney failure.

Ken, of The Mall, Old Town, said he had no hesitation in helping to save his daughter’s life.

“It was so painful to see Laura on dialysis when she should have been enjoying life, I wanted to help her, I didn’t need two kidneys,” said Ken, 65.

But Laura wasn’t so sure.

She admitted the prospect of both herself and her dad going under the knife had given her sleepless nights.

She said: “I was terrified. I’d got past the point of worrying about me but I was terrified at what might happen to my dad during the operation, I was so scared.

“It wasn’t until we had all the risks explained to us by the doctors and our fears addressed that I agreed. Ultimately, I couldn’t continue with dialysis, it was crushing me.”

On January 5 the pair went into theatre at Churchill Hospital in Oxford for their individual operations leaving mum and wife Jan, 60, waiting anxiously.

“I was quite positive about the whole thing,” said Jan.

“I was convinced they’d both be all right and the doctors were very supportive and explained what the operations would entail so we were all very well informed.”

As Laura was wheeled into theatre she got word that her father had come through his operation with ease and was recovering well.

“I was so relieved,” she said. “I felt better about the operation knowing dad was all right.”

Ken’s kidney was not only a good match for his daughter but a perfect match with doctors matching it as a six out of six on their donor organ point system.

Jan said: “The best donor you can have in the world is a twin but as Laura doesn’t have one her dad was the very best match she could have hoped for.”

Ken added: “It’s rather strange being complimented on your kidney but the doctors were like ‘that’s a great kidney, a very, very good kidney’.”

Laura and Ken are now encouraging others to join the organ donor register and give someone else the chance of a new lease of life.

“I can’t tell you how incredible it is with dad’s kidney,” said Laura.

“I don’t feel tired anymore, I don’t feel sick, I am not in pain. I have so many opportunities now.”

For more information on becoming an organ donor visit call the NHS organ donor hotline on 0845 60 60 400 or visit .