THE HISTORY of Wiltshire Police is being mapped with an archive of old and new pieces of equipment.

The project, which has been arranged to celebrate the force’s 170th anniversary, includes the vintage police cars, radios, handcuffs, whistles, batons and helmets.

The aim of the project is to start an oral history policing archive for members of the public to have access to the force’s past, present and future.

Chief Constable Brian Moore said: “We are exceptionally proud of our organisation and continually strive to keep the people of Wiltshire safe and satisfied, as well as confident in the work of the police.

“I feel that this exhibition gives the community a unique opportunity to join in the celebrations marking our 170th year and also to gain a greater understanding of how policing within their county has developed.”

Force historian Inspector Steve Bridge added:”We would like to hear from those who have memories of policing within Wiltshire as we are currently looking in to the possibility of starting an oral history policing archive.”

For more information about the Oral History Policing Archive, contact Inspector Bridge on 0845 408 7000.