So much for a "Caring Community"

In regards to all that's happened with two Swindon women being murdered I have to say I am not of the opinion that Swindon is a caring community at all. I base this on the responses to Becky Godden-Edwards being found in comparison to the other victim.

With Sian O’Callaghan there have been thousands upon thousands of condolence messages left on numerous pages on Facebook. Yet with Rebecca there are no more than three pages and the most likes any of them has received is 1,400, somewhat dramatically less than for Sian.

While I accept that Rebecca had been missing for years, both these women should have been afforded the same amount of respect .

What Becky’s lifestyle was should have no bearing on how she was treated once her remains were identified, she was a human being and the same as Sian O’Callaghan in every regard.

To anyone who doesn’t like what's written here then I say perhaps I’ve hit a raw nerve. How could the people of Swindon be so blatantly biased, how cruel and unkind that must feel for the family of Rebecca Godden-Edwards, how selfish and thoughtless. I feel ashamed to be from Swindon. Far from being a caring community, judgmental and biased might be a more fitting description.

10,000 people were reported to have attended the Lantern Lighting event at the Polo Ground some 300 went on the walk through Old Town, plus a sum of approx £2,000 has been collected and given to the family of Sian O’Callaghan, people were almost falling over themselves to hold some event or another when it was learned that Sian had been murdered, numerous signature files were created, murals painted on walls, and more, yet for Rebecca the other victim, some balloons were released and a few Facebook pages have tributes on them, there was a special section on the Advertiser’s website to leave condolences for Sian's family, no such page for Rebecca. Is that really how a caring community operates? Favouring one murder victim over another? I think a blind man could see what I am saying, this so say caring community doesn't care at all unless a certain criteria is met. That's not caring, that's called judging.

MARIANNE PIKE St Marys Grove Ferndale Swindon