BASED on the award-winning DreamWorks animation film, Shrek the Musical is this year’s must-see show for all the family and it will be at the Bristol Hippodrome until September 7.

Join the unlikely hero Shrek and his loyal steed Donkey as they embark on a quest to rescue the beautiful (if slightly temperamental) Princess Fiona from a fire breathing, love-sick dragon. Add the diminutive Lord Farquaad, a gang of fairytale misfits, and a biscuit with attitude, and you’ve got the biggest, brightest musical comedy around. Featuring all new songs as well as cult Shrek anthem I’m a Believer, Shrek the Musical brings all the much-loved DreamWorks characters to life, live on stage, in an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza.

Recommended for ages five-plus. For tickets, which are from £19.50, visit or call 0844 8713012.