SEQOL energy2work is on the way to achieving its goal of getting four people with learning disabilities into paid employment by the end of March.

McDonald’s restaurant franchise owner Paul Booth has welcomed David Boote, of Upper Stratton, to his team.

The 49-year-old, who has some difficulty with literacy and numeracy, has been out of work for 17 months, and joined the SEQOL energy2work course run in partnership with JobCentre Plus last September.

There he has been learning new life and employment skills.

Colin Pullen, who has been David’s carer for eight years, said he can’t speak highly enough of the energy2work programme.

“David is ecstatic about getting this job,” he said. “He had a job two years ago, and since being unemployed has really missed the interaction with other people.

“It’s great to have day centres, but they can’t deliver everything, and they’re not like going out to the world of work.

“I’ve known David all my life, and thank heaven society is not like it was in the old days, when there was separation rather than integration.

“It’s great that people like David, with learning disabilities, are accepted and given the chances they deserve. I think that he will shine.”

Paul Booth says he is an avid supporter of giving everyone with potential a chance.

“As a local employer I am passionate about giving equal opportunities to all those that apply for jobs at McDonalds in Swindon,” he said .

“I have worked with SEQOL energy2work for many years and have every confidence that they will continue to give outstanding support to my business.”

Ann King, the supported employment project manager at energy2work, said she hopes Paul’s confidence will spur other employers into finding out more about the benefits of employing people with learning disabilities.

“SEQOL has adopted a Government agenda to narrow the gap between disabled people to get at least 48 per cent of people with learning disabilities in employment by 2025,” she said. “Job Centre Plus have backed this initiative to support 50 people with learning disabilities who use day services to move into employment.

“And it would be a fantastic achievement if we could get three more people into work by the end of March.”

To learn more about the energy2work programme call 01793 463337 or email