THE MS Society is calling on people in Swindon to support the hundreds of people living with multiple sclerosis in the area.

There are about 300 people living with MS in the town but a poll by the MS Society of more than 2,000 members of the UK public revealed that out of the 180 adults surveyed in the South West more than two in five people couldn’t identify one symptom of the neurological condition.

The charity is now calling on people in Swindon to support the 100 people diagnosed with MS every week in the UK by signing up to ChallengeMS – an annual fundraising event which aims to challenge people’s perceptions and raise £125,000 for MS research during September. MS attacks at random and many of the symptoms are invisible to others so while people might appear to be fine, they’re often struggling with severe fatigue or problems with their balance and mobility.

The condition can get steadily worse, or remain unpredictable throughout your life.

The charity is fighting to improve treatment and care to help people with MS take control of their lives.

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