THREE pet-lovers are looking for the women who saved their beloved cat from certain death after he disappeared.

Bengal, Simba, went missing from his Coleview home on June 3 after being chased by a dog.

A week later, the 14-year-old was found wandering and crying in Manchester Road, 2.2 miles from his home.

But the frail feline was reunited with his owners thanks to two good Samaritans who rushed him to the vets.

Lynda Footner, who cares for Simba alongside Richard and Shirley Hyland, said: “We were scared when he ran off and thought the foxes had had him. He’s an old boy with kidney failure and needs water and medication every day.

“We were so worried that he would end up dying alone in a ditch.”

Thanks to his microchip, owners Richard, Shirley and Lynda were quickly tracked down.

Lynda said: “When I got the call I felt like I’d won the lottery, the football pools, everything.

“He wouldn’t stop meowing when he saw us although he was a bag of bones.” We took him to our regular vets and we thought we might lose him then. That was the worst bit.”

And the beautiful Bengal clawed his way back from the brink after being rushed to the vets for emergency treatment, including a drip for rehydration.

In the elation of being reunited with her pet, Lynda failed to get details of Simba’s saviours and hopes to track them down to thank them in person.

She said: “Simba is in poor health but thanks to these ladies he can now live out the rest of his days at home.”

Did you save Simba? Call the newsdesk on 01793 501797.