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VANDALS are being blamed for sparking a chemical scare after a white powder was found in a shop doorway.

The substance was identified as coming from a fire extinguisher which had been sprayed through the letterbox of Harmony Brides in Old Town.

But with the heightened state of alert following the attempted terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow, the emergency services were taking no chances.

Police closed Devizes Road yesterday morning as a specialist team from Bristol was called to identify the powder.

Anyone who came into contact with it was also checked over by medical crews.

While the road was closed people working in neighbouring shops were told to stay inside.

The road was closed at 9.30am and reopened at 12.35pm.

Three fire crews, six police cars and two ambulances attended. In addition a fire crew from Avon and Somerset was called to analyse the substance using specialist equipment.

It was identified as bentonite, a clay substance, which was later confirmed to be foam from a fire extinguisher.

Police are now treating the incident as criminal damage and want to hear from anyone who has information about it.

Insp Charlie Ducker of Swindon Police said: "We cordoned off the area as public safety is our top priority. With the heightened national security state we have at present we took this incident very seriously and I was very pleased by the team's quick response.

"Six people and one fire officer who was first on the scene were checked over before being released.

"We reopened the road once we were satisfied the substance found was non-harmful and non-explosive."

Police also confirmed there were no injuries or any threat to public safety.

William Mills, 64, had come to Old Town with his wife, so she could get her hair cut.

Mr Mills from Stratton was kept inside the Old Town Café while the work was carried out.

He said: "My wife was in the hairdressers and I was having a coffee when this all kicked off.

"It really was quite manic and not something you expect to be part of."

Diversions were set up while Devizes Road was closed with traffic jams building up on surrounding roads.

The substance is thought to have been sprayed into the shop some time between 5pm on Saturday night and 9am yesterday.

Anyone who has information about the incident should contact Swindon police on 0845 408 7000 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.