BBC Wiltshire presented Ben Prater has started to work from home.

This means he will now be presenting his radio morning show live from his kitchen. 

The presenter has self-isolated because his wife is showing symptoms of the coronavirus.

“The show must go on,” said Ben, who lives in Malmesbury. “At first I was gutted I couldn’t come into work, but knew I had to do the responsible thing.

“Then I thought, if everyone else can work from home, why not me? 

“Growing up in the ‘80s when mobiles were the size of suitcases I’m always amazed with what engineers can do nowadays. So I’ve set up a mini-studio in my kitchen which links to our proper studio in Swindon.

"Some people said I should soundproof my new 'studio' with egg boxes, but with all the panic buying going on that might not be possible!

“The biggest challenge is making sure my dog doesn’t bark while I’m on air.”

Ben’s first show was yesterday and he will be coming live from his home for the next two weeks until any danger of spreading the virus has passed.

Ben is not the only presenter going beyond the call of duty at BBC Wiltshire.

James Thomas is self isolating after his girlfriend showed symptoms of the virus. He is managing the station’s Make a Difference feature, which gives listeners half hourly updates about the virus.