The Salvation Army has launched its biggest post-war appeal for food to tackle the fallout from the pandemic.

The church and charity urgently needs to buy food and other basic resources to help the growing numbers of people facing unemployment and debt.

It is bolstering essential services such as Lifehouse hostels and online debt advice as it prepares for the lasting impact of the pandemic.

In addition to cushioning communities from poverty, The Salvation Army is urging the government to replace Universal Credit advance payment loans with grants.

The loans are offered to people who need to bridge the gap while they wait for their first payment but this could force many of the one million new claimants straight into debt.

The Salvation Army’s territorial commander Anthony Cotterill said: “Not only are we battling to restock foodbanks for people in need now, but we are preparing our services to cope with increased need in the many months to come.

“Once lockdown has ended, the need will still increase as people grapple with unemployment, debt, bereavement and homelessness.

“This is our biggest appeal for food and poverty relief in living memory but we can see the need now but also in the future.

“A whole new generation face the prospect of unemployment and debt which means that poverty will be a lingering symptom of the coronavirus.”

The Coronavirus Impact Fund will support the short, medium and long term impact of the coronavirus pandemic on communities across the UK.

Donate via the website or address cheques to The Salvation Army and send to The Coronavirus Impact Fund, The Salvation Army, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN.

The Salvation Army has already transformed services to reach those hit the hardest by the coronavirus.

A spokesman said: "Under lockdown rules, people can’t come to so we are going directly to as many as possible who need our help, whether it is street medical advice for rough sleepers or delivering food parcels to hungry families or online debt advice. "