The Swindon Lions Club has been doing its bit to help out around the town during the pandemic.

The club bought personal protective equipment for Prospect Hospice staff and donated £1,000 to Swindon Foodbank to help those most in need during the coronavirus crisis.

Members have assisted with welfare appeals in Swindon and supported a visually-impaired pupil to overcome problems facing him when he started senior school.

Swindon Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International. The British Isles groups have donated £160,000 to air ambulances across Britain to help their Covid 19 appeal.

And £147,000 has been donated from their emergency grant fund by other clubs nationwide to help other good causes and communities.

The club is currently looking for new members to increase the amount of help it can provide to charities in the area.

President Maurice Watson said: “We are a service club with the aim of helping the disadvantaged in our community. This is largely done by raising funds. All profits raised by events, are channelled directly through to charities and needy causes.”

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