A CUSTOMER has hit out at Burger King after a delivery driver refused to wear a mask when picking up an order.

Mark Oborne was sitting at the Queens Drive restaurant on October 18 with his girlfriend Maria Webb when the driver entered the building.

When confronted about his lack of mask by Mark, the driver said he didn’t need to wear one because he did not have coronavirus.

After being challenged further and threatened with a call to the police, the driver returned to his car to get a mask before returning, putting it on and collecting the order.

Mark, from Gorse Hill, said: “I told him he needed to wear a mask but his reply was ‘well you haven’t got one on’.

“I was sat down and eating, I didn’t need to have one on. I took a picture of him and said I’d report him to the police.

“I didn’t believe that he didn’t have it, did he get the test and results on that day? I said ‘It’s people like you that are making it worse’.”

The 56-year-old says a manager at Burger King told him the driver was from Deliveroo.

He added: “I said to the manager, it doesn’t matter who he is, he’s representing you and you’re giving him free range to deliver food when he’s been in here without a mask on.

“You’re letting people come in without masks but you’ve got signs everywhere.

“I emailed Burger King that night and they never replied back and the next thing I’ll do is write to the trading standards.

“If this isn’t a one-off and is happening all the time then people need to know about it.

“Whether that gives them a bad name or not, that’s not my problem. It’s a very serious breach of laws and rules by Burger King at this very difficult and dangerous time for everyone.”

A spokesperson for Burger King said: “The safety of Burger King staff and customers is our number one priority.

“It is compulsory for anyone who enters a Burger King restaurant in the UK to wear a face covering, in line with the government guidelines.”

The Adver approached Deliveroo for comment but it did not respond before the paper went to press.