THERE are mixed feelings among Adver readers about the full reopening of schools tomorrow.

Many said their children were looking forward to seeing friends and classmates again during a more typical school day.

Others fretted about the possibility of the coronavirus spreading as a result of the reopening, while acknowledging that schools have done their best to be Covid-secure.

And a few revealed that, despite the stresses and strains of home-schooling, they would miss not having their children at home all day.

Sarahjane Brown: “Looking forward to my children being able to feel a bit of normality and be able to be children again. It’s very much needed.”

Karen Knight: “We need the school for the sake of our sanity but the virus is still out there so it's still a risk. I will miss lil man, but I won't miss struggling to teach him.”

Amy Francis: “I had enjoyed the extra time with my son, however he is really missing school and his routine.

“He loves routine but it will also be a big change going back to school. We are craving a little bit of "normality" and routine back.

“I am nervous as we are not clear from the virus by any means but I know the schools are trying to be as safe as they can be.”

Sandy Lambeck: “The children need to go back. Hope it’s going to be OK, need to start getting some immunity. Schools do work hard as they can to keep the children safe. Just hope we don't get another lock down. Still got to be careful.”

April Reynolds: “As parents, we are looking forward to schools returning – however, our 11-year-old is very worried about the virus and what his school day will look like.”

Gemma Roberts: “I’m terrified in case my daughter catches it but I’ve kept her off for a year now, I need to let her go back.

“She’s excelled at home with me and on the learning side, that’s fine. But she does need the pre-school environment and her friends.“ Vicki Thomas: “I’m anxious - as hard as it’s been, I prefer having my kids home.”

James Cowling: “Wonderful. It’s like the Vietnam war in my house.”

Carol King: “Children need to be back.”

Shirley Jessen: “I think it’s too soon.”

Sally Pocock: “Looking forward to some normality back in our lives. Our daughter cannot wait!”

Irene Barnard: “I work in a senior school, been working right through but with minimum pupils, I'm rather anxious really.”

Lindsey Hutchingson: “I'm glad for my son to return as he's missed so much and don't want this to have detrimental effect later on. He's desperate to go back and have some normality and to see his friends.”

Sharon Matthews: “The children and I have really enjoyed home-schooling, really going to miss them, but I will keep it all in place as I am sure they will back to remote learning again shortly.”

Paula Ayers: “As a teaching assistant, I’ve been working everyday with the key worker children and I can’t wait to see all the other children in our class, quite excited to be honest.”

Emma Gray: “It’s good as they need normality. The home learning has gone on long enough. For their mental health and freedom, children need this . Who knows what some of their home life has been like? They need to see their friends and be free. I can’t wait, for their sake.”

Sheila Robinson: “Everyone needs to be encouraged to use common sense and get back to some sort of normality.”

Pauline Bizley: “I’m pleased for the children.”

Emma Maria: “Ecstatic.”

Louise Button: “Fantastic.”

Helena Bowie: “Feeling nervous as I'm shielding.”

Nikki Scotford: “Nervous.”

Emma Gregory: “Relieved!”