TRIBUTES have been paid to 'ray of sunshine' husband and headteacher Andrew Henstridge who sadly died aged 51.

He was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer two weeks before he died on March 1 at Great Western Hospital.

The dad of two - Mia, 18, and Alexander, 16 - was the executive headteacher of St Mary's Catholic Primary School, and St Catherine's Catholic Primary School since 2015, and Holy Cross Catholic Primary School in 2020.

His wife of 20 years, Luisa Henstridge who is also a teacher at St Mary's, said: "Andrew was dedicated to his profession. Throughout his career, he devoted his time and energy to helping all children to achieve their best. He was compassionate, caring, approachable, professional, fun, and supported all who he worked with.

"He would join in with everything going on in his schools. He is remembered by many children for his dressing up on World Book Day, teaching them new sports and coaching football and cricket teams, and delivering fun assemblies.

"He made all staff feel valued and always had an ‘open door' policy where he would make himself available to everyone. The messages on the Just Giving page on the St. Mary’s school website are just a snapshot of how loved and respected he was by every community that he became a part of."

Luisa and their daughter Mia have signed up for the Race For Life to raise money for Cancer Research on April 21 in memory of Andrew.

They have raised £195 of their £300 target so far, to help with the fundraiser visit

Andrew's students were saddened by the news and shared some kind words about him.

Eryn Levett is a year four pupil at St Mary’s, she said: "Mr Henstridge was kind, caring and would always forgive others even if they did wrong. He was a ray of sunshine and fun. He would go home after school and jump into his sandpit with his laptop and yellow sun hat on and work. I remember when he dressed up as Mr Incredible for World Book Day. He might not be here physically but he will always be here in our hearts. Mr Henstridge, you are the best headteacher ever. You will always be remembered."

Mila a year two pupil said: "Mr Henstridge was a good person, and he was caring. He always came into my class to say hello."

He started his career in teaching at St Mary's Primary School in Chippenham before he moved to Wroughton Juniors as the deputy head. He went to St. Sampson’s as the headteacher, then Peatmoor, before he became executive headteacher of St. Mary’s, St. Catherine’s, and Holy Cross.

He was also a lover of rugby and cricket, and loved holidays and days out either being by the Cornish coast or exploring his favourite island, Kefalonia with his family.

“Mr Henstridge was the pillar of light and strength at the heart of our school communities. All who knew him were shocked and deeply saddened by his death. His legacy lives on through the light he brought and shared so readily with everyone around him,” Rachael Weaver, head of St. Mary’s, said.

Sarah Burke, head St. Catherine’s added: “It is obvious from the messages of love which we have received that people all around Swindon have been deeply affected by the death of someone they remember as a great teacher, mentor, inspirational leader, and friend.”

Anne-Marie Long, chair of governors said: “Andrew touched the hearts of all he met with his love and compassion. A truly inspirational leader who helped shape the future of so many lives. A wonderful colleague, headteacher, and friend who will be very sadly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Andrew’s family and everyone who knew him.”

St Mary's has also launched a fundraiser in his name, this can be found at