ADVER readers have shared their views as the Indian variant of Covid-19 continues to cast uncertainty over the final step out of lockdown.

The Indian variant – or B1617.2 – is thought to be more transmissible and has been detected in 86 local authority areas, including Wiltshire. 

Prime minister Boris Johnson said yesterday there is no “conclusive” evidence to deviate from the plan to further ease restrictions on June 21. 

But he added everything is being kept "under close review" but adds "we'll know a lot more in a few days' time".

Wiltshire Council's director of public health Kate Blackburn said there were a small number of cases in the county picked up as a result of international travel. 

She said: “That’s why engaging with test and trace is so vital to take all the right precautions so that virus is contained and doesn’t go out to the wider community.”

Mrs Blackburn added that while the cases were still active in the county they were fully contained.

In Swindon, Mrs Blackburn's counterpart Steve Maddern told reporters last week: “We have concerns about any Covid variant that poses a threat to the health of residents – particularly those that are known or have the potential to be highly transmissible or non-respondent to current public health action.

“The Indian variant is strongly linked to travel from red list counties.

“The management of the Indian variant falls under the current public health advice – to test and isolate, along with close contacts.

“All those now returning from red list countries must self-isolate in a government quarantine facility for 10 days upon re-entry to the UK.

“We continue to monitor the situation for variants and will undertake appropriate public health action as and when required.”

But not everyone is concerned about the Indian variant, as the Adver discovered when we asked our Facebook followers how they were feeling after the new strain emerged.

Lois Mason said: “I’m not worried. We have to learn to live with Covid and its variants. We just have to use common sense.”

Alex Coppock-Bunce said: “New variants will continue to emerge so I’ll stay cautious even with the vaccine.”

The government is refusing to rule out a repeat of local lockdowns despite evidence suggesting that vaccines are effective against the Indian variant. 

Mark Keenan said: “I’m not worried about it. I will have had my second jab by next week, but I will still be careful.”

Jade-Lee Agnes Maclennan added: “Maybe the UK and Ireland shouldn’t open up its borders and accept flights into our country for a bit longer and then at least that would be keeping us safe.

“They shouldn’t be telling us to use common sense and then do this, it’s crazy.

“I’m getting on with it, keeping myself and others safe, finding some sort of normality again.”