POLICE have been cracking down on drivers speeding as they were either taken to court, issued a fine or given a warning, during January and February this year.

Wiltshire Police carried out 130 speed checks over six weeks during this period, 168 traffic offence reports were issued, eight fixed penalty notices and five summons to court. And 261 drivers were dealt with words of advice.

Speeding is one of the fatal four, after using mobile phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt, and drink and drug driving.

The Adver asked its readers where speed cameras should be put to help with this problem, this is what they said...

Tracey Carr: "Mobile speed cameras would be great. When we had static ones people used to just slow down for the camera then speed again so it's pointless. So many areas are dangerous because of speeding, including Thamesdown Drive, Marlborough Road, and Queens Drive."

Alan Wilson: "Everywhere. Spending is rife across this whole Town and surrounding areas. Introduce cameras and local and national Government would make a killing from the fines. And rightly so. Put them on junctions and roundabouts that have traffic lights as well. The number of red light jumpers is shocking.

"The only way to make people change their bad habits is to hit them where it hurts, in their pocket with points on their licences, if they've got one."

Annemarie Emberlin-Jones: "Thamesdown Drive, it's horrendous, especially with the speed people drive down there at and they go through red lights too."

Ben Carr: "No where. We had them before, everyone knew where they were slowed down for them and then just sped up again after.

"If we’re to have them again do average speed cameras, stop the racing and stopping. I for one don’t want them."

Gary Lawton: "It's a shame it takes a tragedy to make people adhere to the speed limit. An example would be Akers way. It's the only road in Swindon where everybody takes note and it's 30mph. It just goes to prove speed cameras are a waste of time. They only make money but don't save lives."

Kim Simone Kyson: "Frobisher Drive. The council won’t extend the speed bumps, so before someone is killed they should do something about the drivers treating the road like a race track."

Kyle Lapham: "On Mead Way, it's taken two years to widen the road so far, may as well add some speed cameras and another year to the project."

Graham McDermott: "A handful of average speed cameras on Thamesdown and Great Western, and maybe a few others, would be great."

Roz Davies: "Great western way up to Hughes Street as then the little boy racers may not keep me awake at night."

Sally Clark: "I don't think speed cameras are needed, more cctv would be better."

Christina Allen: "Thamesdown Drive by Asda Walmart, it's a flaming death trap."

Trisha Davies: "On Bolingbroke Road. It could really do with an enforced 20mph limit and speed bumps."

Simon Curr: "At Great Western Way from Blagrove to Mannington."

Jonathan O'Malley: "Around schools and hospitals, and heavy pedestrian areas, not on motorways and dual carriageways."

Colin Graham Carey: "On the A420 at Gable Cross."

Richard Watkins: "At Swindon Road in Stratton."

Steve Fusco: "In Wheeler Avenue, they would make a fortune."

Helen Rich: "At Liden Drive and Wheatstone Road."

Martin Oxborrow: "In Penhill Drive."

Emma Louise: " At Cheney Manor Road."

Nicky Sparks: "Marlowe Avenue is a race track."

Susan Patterson: "In the Manchester Road area, back of Gooch Street."

Becci Jayne Taylor: "Thamesdown Drive. A guy blew past me this evening doing at least 75+ went through red light