The election of Coun Tomlinson in Priory Vale my turn the page on a difficult chapter in north Swindon Conservative politics.

Until May 2020, Emma Faramarzi, whose resignation triggered this week’s by-election, was a senior member of the ruling Conservative group.

She had been a member of the cabinet and was the chairman of an influential overview and scrutiny committee.

Her partner Oliver Donachie was the cabinet member with responsibility for the economy in the cabinet of his fellow Haydon Wick councillor David Renard.

But relations between Coun Renard and, in particular, Coun Donachie broke down at some point.

Coun Donachie resigned from the Conservative group, as did Coun Faramarzi, and they sat as Independent Tories for a year.

Coun Donachie was publicly very critical of the administration and Coun Renard especially.

He stood for re-election in May and had hoped to get others also to stand, but was defeated.

A few days later Coun Faramarzi stood down with a year left on her term to run.