ADVER readers have had their say on Boris Johnson’s plans to end coronavirus restrictions on July 19. 

There was a lively response to the prime minister's announcement on Monday night, with mixed opinions on the need to social distance or wear facemasks when the legal requirement ends. 

The final decision on whether to go ahead or not with the lifting of all lockdown restrictions comes next week. 

Here’s what you told us on Facebook and our website...

Stacey Horwood: “Covid is never going away, we need to start living our lives again. Can’t stay locked up forever.”

Sarah Taylor: “We’ve been locked down and dates put back for long enough now... It’ll be the same as flu, never going away, so let us live our lives!”

Alexandra Mancari: “Yes. I’m double jabbed but as long has the highly contagious Delta Variant is around I will do all I can to protect my unvaccinated children and reduce the risk of my family to the effects of long Covid which could put additional strain on the NHS.”

Sam Robertson: “We’re no where near being safe enough for dropping safe distances and allowing each individual to make the right decision when the Covid rates are still rising. That’s why we went into the second lockdown its too soon also wearing a mask in public in the shops and in close proximity is really no hardship.”

Damian Bain: “Finally we can get back to normal. To all the people complaining it’s to early or keep masks. Guys if your worried that much keep on your masks and stay indoors. The rest of us can get back to living our lives.”

Katie Brewer: “Is it wrong to want to keep the 1m rule in shops forever (not to restrict numbers just to respect personal space)?”

Many said they will be wearing masks even after July 19. 

Roz Davies: “Definitely in the supermarkets and if I go into town or busy areas and woe betide anyone who stands less than a metre to me, I valued my private space pre Covid and I’ll be politely asking people to respect it going forward!”

Alex Pidoux: “Infections rising.. I’ll be wearing mine in indoor spaces with quite a few people in!”

Jacquie Phillips: “If I ever get to go out, then yes, I will definitely be wearing a mask.”

Gemma Davies: “Yes, inside in public places. And outside in busy places if needed.”

Adrian Thrush: “Yes , those who don’t  make sure you don’t stand too close behind me in a queue!”

Others welcomed the news that facemasks would now be down to personal choice.

Paula Veitch Fennell: “Definitely not. Hate the things. We’ve had enough liberties taken away. Can’t wait for Freedom Day.”

Wayne Andrew Hedges: “I’d rather not... the amount of lint going up my nose and down my throat is unreal.”

Rob Grey: “Not at all. July 19 can’t come quick enough.”

Sam Wood: “If you keep wearing masks your body will never be able to build up antibodies to fight of the virus if you ever get it.”

Issy Grenville-payne: “No, I’m exempted from wearing one and had enough judgmental comments and looks."