TWO B-2 stealth bombers from the US flew over RAF Fairford.

Photographers managed to capture these stunning images on Wednesday of the sinister looking craft as they conducted a low approach where neither landed, before continuing with their flight.

It is understood the aircraft were on a flypast from Iceland, where they are currently stationed to conduct "theatre and flight training" across Europe and Africa.

According to a US Air Force statement release, the B-2 Spirit aircraft are from the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, and travelled to Keflavik Air Base, Iceland, for a long-planned Bomber Task Force mission.

General Jeff Harrigian, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander said: "Regularly cooperating bomber activities with allies and partners helps us better address challenges in today’s complex global security environment.

“Strong partnerships are essential to our ability to deter, defend and win.”

Many thanks to Oliver Curtis, Mike Coxhead and Nick Porter for these fabulous images.