Hundreds of people have come together to try and get the work a "local hero" has done for the Coleview community formally recognised. 

John White, 82, has spent three decades working with young people in the community, organising football tournaments, youth clubs and family trips out of Swindon and a push to celebrate his efforts is underway. 

The group are now trying to get the recreation area between Gayton Way and Weedon Way – known locally and on Google Maps as ‘John White’s Field’ – to be formally named as such. 

A Facebook set up by Coleview pair Nick Mackey and Jake Henley, and tributes soon poured in for John, who lives in Gayton Way.

Craig Hiscock said: “Im now 48 and its not until you get older that you realise and appreciate just how much John did for us kids and the community through his life. 

“He sacrificed a lot of his own time to help inspire and help the youth of Coleview and has never asked for anything in return. He’s a true community champion and deserves some sort of recognition for it.”

Gaynor Deacon said: “As a parent I was so grateful for everything he did for my kids, he did it for many many years and the only reward he wanted was to see the kids enjoying themselves. He really deserves recognition and a big thank you from all of us in the Coleview area.”

Gemma Davidson said: “The thing I remember most about John was how inclusive he was. 

"Football was back then mainly for the boys but not with John, we were just one of the gang and John always made sure everyone respected everyone else, male or female.

“I really think it’s unparalleled then and now for someone to invest so much of themselves in the local community. I am actually amazed John hasn’t been recognised already.”

Matt Newman said: “This man is a Swindon legend and so deserves to be recognised as such. All the people whose life he touched wouldn’t have grown into the people we’ve become if it wasn’t for him.

Other options being explored are the addition of a plaque, or a sign, to the field. 

“The green is already ‘John White’s Field’ to anyone who knows it.,” said Taskın Ismet. ”It would be fitting that he sees his name attached to it and that he sees how grateful we all are to him.”

And the man himself was touched to hear about the efforts.

John said “I was quite taken aback, [Nick] was telling me it had been mentioned on Facebook, it’s nice to know that what you did mattered and made a difference,

“I always felt it was a team effort. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the parents.”