LIDDINGTON Parish Council installed a second defibrillator in the village, located in the red phone box.

It comes after the village's first defibrillator which is located in the village hall.

Parish councillor Sarah Hill spoke about the importance the life saving device brings to the village.

She said: "This is an essential first aid facility that may save lives.

"The British Heart Foundation (BHF) notes that around 30,000 people in the UK suffer a sudden cardiac arrest away from a hospital environment each year.

"Speed is critical in responding to such an event; the BHF advises that, to give the casualty the best chance of survival, emergency resuscitation should begin with four minutes of initial collapse.

"Fortunately in Liddington we are close to the Great Western Hospital; it’s actually within our parish.

"So help is close at hand, but in those minutes spent calling and waiting for an ambulance, using the defibrillator can make a big difference in the outcome."