SOME Adver readers would welcome a market back in Swindon town centre. 

The Towns Fund Board, set up by Swindon Borough Council with members from the business and voluntary sectors, is making detailed business cases to ensure the £19.5m promised by central government from the fund is actually spent here.

The only project in doubt is the plan for a £100,000 new market in the town centre.
We asked you if there should be a market in the town centre and here’s what you told us on Facebook...

Ian Cooke: “A market would be nice to see but it needs to be more central. Also, have markets had their day? 

“So many cheap shops and supermarkets have taken the traditional market trade.”

Michelle Giddings: “Yes, indoor with options to be outside also – a permanent fixture all year round not just once a week/month, everyday so lower rental rates for those selling encourage local talented people to share their makes, so people shop off line.

Ian Blackburn: “Markets have been dead since the early seventies. 

“Once you get the large supermarkets in town, people use them. 

“Why? Everything under one roof. Car parking. Warm and dry shop. Cheaper than markets due to the power they have. 

“At the end of the day, people chose to use supermarkets over markets and there are no towns where markets are making a comeback. Sad but true. 

“Use any money to revitalise the high streets on changing the high street use. Cafe culture is the norm these days. 
“Online now dominates retail.”

Richard Balch: “Ever since the market was pulled down this killed the business. 

“When it came back as a tented market there wasn’t much of a boom and it was hard going for a lot of businesses that rented out the spaces.

“If it was to come back the council should go to Birmingham and see how theirs is. Or even some other towns or cities.

“It would have to be built into the shopping mall and had a area that people can still get fresh fruit and veg and some items that you don’t find in supermarkets or stores.”

Catherine Waterfield: “They tried one at the back of the Brunel Centre about eight years ago, it was a total flop and only lasted a few months.”

Steve Cavilla: “Good to have other choices, give small businesses a chance now that most of the shops in the town centre have gone and only one supermarket in town.”

Gary Mason: “For a choice of what a proper well designed and supported market is like. Try St Nicholas in Bristol. Or even Abergavenny market.”

Rachel Sellens: “Bring it back! We need to support small businesses and it’s something different! 

“Town is so boring at the moment. We need some more interesting stores especially for Christmas coming up.”

Lisa Smith: “Yes, used to love going to the market when they had them here... would be good to see a decent market here.”

Brenda Knott: “You only have to see Highworth on a Saturday morning to see how a market brings people out to support it.”

Charlotte Louise Hughes: “Yes, we need to do what Devizes are doing and have a market stalls and such it will be better for the community.”

Barry Cox: “Supermarkets killed the little shops the council killed the tented market because they wanted the revenue from shops that were empty.

“But now even the supermarkets are closing so a regular market would be an asset as long as the prices and quality are seen to be good value.

“A butcher, fresh produce, a baker with good fresh goods to start with.”

Courtney Rose: “Yes a proper farmers market, fruit, veg, little hand made gifts, cheese, meats... the lot. Proper British home grown foods!”

Toni Brack: “I love walking around markets.”

Rita Goodenough: “Absolutely, there should be a market.”

Lorraine Bryan: “We always had markets years ago, always very busy. 

“Certainly need a reason to go to town, as I try to avoid it now. Shop outside of town, such a shame.”