FORMER clubbers' favourite the Brunel Rooms looks set to be given a new lease of life in the new year. 

A Facebook page for Hive Swindon posted 'Swindon let's have a chat' before revealing plans to open a 'brand new super club' accompanied with a picture of the now slightly derelict inside of the Brunel Rooms.

It added that a 'fit out' would 'commence T minus 60 Days' and that the new super club would have '2 rooms of pure energy'. 


Earlier in the year Hive Swindon Facebook page, which was created on January 7, talked about plans to open a 'state of the art nightclub and sports' bar on Fleet Street. 

And posts made earlier in the year even show that they had a grand opening planned for the Fleet Street venue and had even started booking acts to appear for the July 30 event. 

But things went quiet from June 6 onwards until the post about the Brunel Rooms. 

The reaction to the post, which was also posted onto the SN1_nightlife Instagram page, has been positive with locals keen to get more of a clubbing scene in the town centre. 

The Adver has made attempts to contact the people behind the Hive Swindon Facebook page for further details about this potentially exciting news but has received no response yet. 

Currently, there are no planning applications in for the building.

The club first opened in 1972 as The Brunel Rooms and, with its revolving bar, became one of the best-known in the UK.

It was taken over by club operator Luminar in 2008 and reopened as Liquid & Envy. In 2010 the club had its opening hours cut because of numerous incidents of disorder. 

Luminar went into administration in 2011, shutting the Havelock Square club, and it's remained empty ever since.