THE boss of a beloved Old Town restaurant is distraught after vandals lobbed eggs at the windows and shouted racist abuse at his staff.

Biplob manager Rokib Ali witnessed what he believes to be a targeted attack on his business on Thursday night.

Three people repeatedly ran up and down Wood Street at around 10pm and caused more damage to the restaurant each time they passed it.

First, they threw one egg, then three, then tried to get inside the property, then lobbed several more eggs and shouted slurs at the staff who had come outside to view the mess.

A Star Bar security guard chased the trio away from the scene and unsuccessfully tried to catch one of them.


Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff

Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff


Rokib said: “I have never had anything like this before, it’s horrible. I’m really worried about my staff’s wellbeing and my own. I didn’t sleep much at all that night, I drove around a couple of times just to make sure they had gone.

“It happened so suddenly, just out of the blue. The first time they passed and threw an egg, we went out to check if anyone else had been hit then went back inside, but when they kept coming back, that really rang alarm bells.

“They tried to get in but we shut the door and then, while I was calling the police and saying ‘you need to send officers right away in case they come back’, they came back.

“The neighbours came out to comfort us afterwards and the police arrived to talk to us and take pictures.”


Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff

Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff


After the police had all they needed, the shaken-up staff spent half an hour cleaning the splattered yolk off the windows before it could create lasting stains.

Rokib is at a loss for why something like this would happen, particularly after he and his team have spent much of the pandemic helping others in the community.

He added: “Cleaning it all up was a nightmare, it was very cold and the staff had to work late.

“Swindon is a lovely place, it’s multi-cultural and there is no place here for hate crimes. People have been very supportive and kind. We regularly do things for charities, the homeless and vulnerable – this will not stop us.

“It was quite busy on the night, there were taxis pulled up and people milling around, so someone must have seen them.

“They had covered their faces but two wore black hoodies and one wore a red jacket, I’d say they were young, in their late teens or early twenties, and white.

"This is a busy time for us and we're fully booked this weekend. I do worry about them coming back, it might put off customers."

Police are investigating and, according to Rokib, treating the incident as a hate crime. 

A spokesman said: "At approximately 10.40pm on December 9, we were called to an incident on Wood Street, Old Town.

"It is reported that eggs had been thrown at a restaurant, Biplob, as well as racially aggravated comments made by three suspects, believed to be men.

"They have then reportedly been chased down Wood Street, onto the High Street, turning in the direction of the Co-op.

"Anyone with any information regarding this incident or who witnessed it is asked to call us on 101."


Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff

Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff

Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff

Vandals threw eggs at the Biplob restaurant and shouted racial slurs at staff