Adver readers have overwhelmingly rejected calls for British troops to be sent to Ukraine.

The calls come as the crisis on the Ukrainian/Russia border intensifies, where president Vladimir Putin is thought to be threatening to invade the country.

Mr Putin’s government accuses Nato of escalating tensions and wants legal guarantees that the alliance will not expand eastwards into countries such as Ukraine

Russia denies it plans to invade the country, but there are currently 100,000 Russian troops stationed on its border with Ukraine and Belarus.

In a statement, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned the Russians that invading Ukraine would be "disastrous" and a "painful, violent and bloody business".

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Johnson, said: "The intelligence is very clear that there are 60 Russian battle groups on the borders of Ukraine, the plan for a lightning war that could take out Kyiv is one that everybody can see.

"We need to make it very clear to the Kremlin, to Russia, that that would be a disastrous step."

Here is a selection of the replies that we received:

Stephen R Brown: “No they should not.”

Lindsay Mason Skidmore Hill: “No I think they should be sending food to the people in Afghanistan instead of upsetting Russia.”

Brian McCulloch: “Nope! Don't forget.. China and Russia back each other. Start on one and I guarantee you'll answer to both.”

Teresa Murphy: “No let's keep our nose out.”

Karen Symmonds: “No nothing to do with us.”

Moe Keohane: “No. That would be like me getting involved in some strangers argument.”