A STRATTON councillor has pledged to work with the police to keep the area safe after a robbery victim died earlier this week.

Coun Dan Smith said that the news was “deeply upsetting”, and that he would urge residents to report anything suspicious to the police.

He also addressed residents’ concerns after they reported seeing a rise in crime – including one man who had his car broken into on his driveway.

The victim of the robbery, in his 50s, allegedly had his wallet stolen from him in the attack on Meadowcroft on January 27.

He was found on Beechcroft Road the following morning and died in hospital on Monday (February 7).

Swindon Advertiser: Cllr Dan SmithCllr Dan Smith

Speaking to the Adver, Cllr Smith said of the news: “It is obviously deeply upsetting. Meadowcroft is a really key hub for us in Stratton and there is no place for that sort of crime in our community.

“We will be working with the police to make sure the area is safe and urge residents to report everything to the police.

“Ideally you don’t want to be seeing death in the area.

“It is horrible to wake up to that sort of news.

“But we are working hard at it and it is a shame because the people of Meadowcroft are so great. Most of them have lived there their entire lives.”

Cllr Smith, first elected to the ward of Penhill and Upper Stratton in May 2021, added that he has a meeting with the police in coming days.

It comes as one resident of Meadowcroft spoke to the Adver about how his car was broken into on his driveway, and that he didn’t report it to the police because they see it as a “low-touch crime”.

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Addressing concerns of residents, Cllr Smith said: “When I was first elected the predominant issue we were dealing with was county lines.

“We have a lot of vulnerable people who were being used for their property.”

He added that now Covid lockdowns have ended, “there is some odd correlation” with an increase in thefts.

“I have asked if the police teams can be out and seen.

“We would love to see the old school bobbies back.”

He added that the police are doing a “reasonable job”, but the increase in one type of crime can undermine the successes they are having elsewhere.

24-year-old Paul Tony Warren, from Old Town, was charged with robbery and GBH with intent and has been remanded in custody. No pleas have been entered at this stage.