Swindon is home to some of the least 'savvy' cooks in the country, according to a study conducted by Ocado, the online grocery business.

Swindon was rated the eighth least 'savviest' town when it comes to taking advantage of convenient shortcut ingredients.

People living in Swindon only save 14 hours on average a year by using easy ingredients and only use two timesaving ingredients a week.

Out of 1,000 residents only 206 Google searches were made about food preparation queries. 

Swindon overall scored 44 out of 100 when measured against the metrics.

The country's favourite time-saving ingredient was found to be tinned tomatoes. Gravy granules and microwave rice were also popular.

Sunderland, Poole and Nottingham were found to be the worst at saving time while Dagenham, Manchester and Bedford were the best cities and towns. 

Ocado used internal sales data, Google search data and a survey of 2,000 adults to come up with the findings. 

Mango pots, orange segments, traditional coleslaw and kiwi pots had increased in opularity from 2020 to 2021 whereas puff pastry blocks and Thai green curry paste declined in use.

An Ocado spokesman said: "Everyone wants to find ways to make their lives a little easier and save precious time wherever possible.

"Savvy cooks do just that, by cleverly using convenience ingredients, such as microwave riceand pre-chopped garlic, which offer handy shortcuts and make whipping up a tasty meal a piece of cake."