A WOMAN called her former partner an “Iranian bomber” and punched him to the head after he broke off the relationship.

Jessica Jeffery was said to have controlled her partner and hung up his phone as he tried to call for help after she became angry.

She then kicked out at police officers who came to arrest her, shouting threats including that she would kill her ex-partner.

Magistrates told her to undergo mental health treatment and pay a fine.

Prosecutor Keith Ballinger told Swindon Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday morning that Jeffery, of Drakes Way, had been seeing the victim after the first lockdown ended, but that he didn’t want to commit.

“However, it went bad for the last 3-4 months prior to these offences, he described her as being controlling,” Mr Ballinger continued.

In June 2021, they met at Greenbridge Retail Park to talk, but during the discussion the 20-year-old became angry.

“She… verbally abused him, hanging up phone calls she was trying to make,” Mr Ballinger said. He added that he called 999 when she wouldn’t get out of his car.

“She started to punch him to the head, the neck and the temple. He described there being around 10 blows although there hasn’t been any lasting injuries.”

Police arrived at the scene and arrested Jeffery, although she resisted and kicked the victim’s car, denting the wheel arch.

In the struggle, she kicked one officer to the shin, and pinched another’s bicep. She was placed in leg restraints, and later released with a condition not to contact the victim.

But, the court heard, she later messaged him on Instagram, telling him “not to do this and not be horrible”, including making a large number of phone calls from withheld numbers.

During the foul-mouthed phone calls, she called him an “Iranian bomber”.

“She accepted that the red mist had come down when she had been arrested and she was making threats, although she didn’t mean any of these,” Mr Ballinger added.

“She said she was upset about the situation when the police attended. She accepts she grabbed somebody that was grabbing hold of her.

“She had no intention of harming the officers but accepted by her actions that were reckless that they were injured.”

Defending, Mark Glendenning said that she had been suffering with mental health issues following the passing of her mother, calling it “clearly a difficult and emotional time”.

“She accepts in full what is said by the Crown. There is some grey areas but doesn’t seek to defer from that.”

Jeffery, who appeared at court having previously admitted assault by beating, two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker, criminal damage, using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, and harassment, was given a two-year community order.

Magistrates labelled it as “quite a serious matter” and added that “the court takes very seriously” assaults on police officers.

During that time, she must take part in a mental health treatment requirement, as well as 40 rehabilitation activity days.

Additionally, there was a £200 fine, which had been increased because of the racial element of the offence.

She was ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each of the officers and costs of £85.