Public was lied to and laughed at

The response from Des Morgan (SA, April 12) was as predictable, as it was ill timed!

He still believes Boris, the Tories and all of their lies - despite the findings today - that the PM and others lied, repeatedly, about their parties in lockdown.

I am, finally, laying my parents ashes to rest in Bromham - over two and a half years since my father died. We followed the rules in delaying the final burial, as did the vast majority of the country, whilst Boris, and his Tory chums, partied and, quite frankly, laughed at the rest of us.

And Des, as an ardent Brexiteer, even you cannot still believe the claims made on the side of the big red bus! There was never £350 million a week for the NHS and there are absolutely no benefits to the UK from Brexit. Happy to hear if you can conjure one or two up!

Steve Cowdry.

Saddleback Road


Do the right thing and resign

Both Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have been found in breach of Covid rules and issued fines by the Metropolitan Police.

Mr Johnson repeatedly told the House of Commons that as far as he was aware no Covid rules had been broken. Yet, we now know he was being economical with the truth. He repeatedly lied to fellow MPs and more importantly lied to the British public.

I know people who lost loved ones due to Covid. They couldn't go to hospital or a care home to visit them in their last moments of life. Yet, at the same time the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak and others were having parties in Downing Street. It's an absolute and utter insult.

I'm absolutely appalled by this. It proves that, at that time, there was one rule for the Government and one rule for the British Public.

The honesty and integrity of Johnson and Sunak is most certainly in question. Without doubt, they should both do the right thing and resign.

If the Prime Minister cannot be truthful with the British Public what chance have we got as a Country.

If the Conservative Government cannot resolve the matter themselves then, please let us the British people decide by bringing forward a General Election.

Alan Wilson

Shapwick Close


End this dire chapter

An open letter to Robert Buckland: Today, we all learned of the staggering news that the Prime Minister, his wife and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are all recipients of the latest round of fixed penalty notices issued by the Metropolitan Police for breaches of Covid regulations. This is made all the worse by the fact that these offences took place in Downing Street and their existence was repeatedly denied in Parliament by the Prime Minister.

When challenged on this matter before, you declared that you would 'wait and see' what action, if any, would be taken by the Metropolitan Police following their investigation. We now know the answer - and it is a damning one.

While it may be in the collective opposition parties’ interests for this Prime Minister and Chancellor to remain in Office and lead your Party into the next General Election, it is certainly not in the interests of our Country or public trust in politics and therefore our democracy.

Sadly, as there is no General Election in immediate sight, the only electorate that can remove Mr Johnson from No 10 is you and your fellow Tory MPs. I call on you to submit immediately your letter of No Confidence in Boris Johnson as Prime Minister to the 1922 Committee. Let this dire chapter be brought to a speedy end.

Dr Brian Mathew

Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesperson for North Wiltshire

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