A TWISTED child molester faces years more behind bars – after he was found guilty of raping a woman after she underwent a serious operation.

Rick Passway, 76, was found guilty of raping a woman – then in her 30s – in the mid-1980s.

The assault happened just days after she had had a hysterectomy operation to remove her womb.

Then a taxi driver, Passway picked her up from the Swindon hospital and took her back to her home in Faringdon.

After carrying her bags upstairs, he pushed her to the floor and raped her, the court heard.

“[I was] disgusted,” the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, replied.

“He ignored everything…he just carried on. He made me feel dirty.”

She said that after the assault Passway, who was known to her, got up and left the house.

Jurors were read an extract from one statement she made to the police in which she admitted she had a bad memory.

But she added of the alleged rape: “I’ll remember that for as long as I live.”

A next-door neighbour had no memory of the victim coming into her house and complaining of having been assaulted. However a friend of the neighbour, who was in the property at the time, recalled overhearing the comments.

A doctor, asked to review contemporary GP notes, was ‘not inconsistent' with a normal hysterectomy operation.

However, no records could be retrieved from the Swindon hospital where she had the operation to remove her womb.

Passway did not give evidence in his own defence. His barrister, John Cammegh QC, pointed to differences between the accounts given by the witnesses.

Jurors unanimously found Passway, of Bunce Road, Swindon, guilty of rape.

Last year Passway was also convicted of subjecting a girl to a campaign of rape.

He will be sentenced for the latest offence - together with other charges of child rape and sexual assault for which he was convicted last year – on May 20.

Rape carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, although punishments can vary significantly depending on the age of the victim and the culpability of the rapist.

Judge Nigel Daly remanded the septuagenarian in custody until his sentencing date next month.