Disgusting treatment of immigrants

An open letter to Justin Tomlinson: I have been one of your constituents for 12 years and you have always had my full support. Recently my Granddaughters and I made a donation of Easter Eggs to your fantastic appeal on behalf of Women's Refuge.

This charity is very close to my heart as I have and continue to be a victim of domestic violence and abuse. Women's refuge helped me more in 15 years than Wiltshire Police did in 15 minutes.

Alas I can no longer support or vote for you any more and I say this with a heavy heart.

The fact that Boris had party after party whilst my family, friends and colleagues followed the rules meticulously.

To send vulnerable immigrants to Rwanda is frankly the most disgusting thing I believe has been done by any serving prime minister in my life.

Timothy Scott

Rodbourne Road

A shameful policy and a shameful government

Three days after Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak were fined for breaking lock down rules, this despicable Tory government, in order to deflect from it's law breaking activities, announces a new immigration policy that will see so called illegal immigrants rounded up and put on flights to Rwanda where they will have asylum application's processed, Rwanda a country that until last July was described by the UK government as a country whose human rights abuses was a cause of concern.

This policy was as expected, greeted with great approval and enthusiasm by the Tory supporting press the majority of their MPs and no doubt the racists and xenophobes within society. For far too long migrants and refugees have been demonised by the right wing press, numerous political parties and politicians, none of whom give a damn of the consequences their rhetoric brings to said groups.

The majority of those who make the treacherous journeys across the Channel are escaping wars, persecution and many other human rights abuses from countries such as Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen, countries that the UK have been at war in or have encouraged war in. The UK bombs these people out of their own countries and when they arrive on our shores looking for compassion and refuge this wretched government wants to send them to Rwanda. It's a shameful policy, brought in by a shameful government. Refugees in, Tories out.

Mark and Martin Webb,


No 10 Work drinks was acceptable

During the ‘shut-down’ people from different households were told not to mix or get together. People who work together is a different situation. To get together after work for a drink and a few snacks at the end of a working day should be acceptable. How much is this enquiry going to cost the taxpayer? We have much more important things to deal with.

I can understand the people that have lost loved ones, not being able to see them. Boris has succeeded with Brexit and the Covid vaccination roll out. I have had my 4th jab. He went to Ukraine in support for the people. I sometimes find him annoying, but what a time to become Prime Minister. We never saw this coming.

All Sir Keir Starmer and his followers can do is to find fault. There never seem to be any fresh ideas coming from him, only criticism on trivia.

A lot of my family have had Covid, but glad to say, due to the vaccination have got over it. My daughter-in-law is a pharmacist. The Government have told people to go to the pharmacy instead of a doctor. She told me people come in and think that they are seeing a doctor and she is asked to look down their throats. It’s no wonder she caught Covid.

Janet Woodham.

Scotby Avenue

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