CHILDREN'S hospice Julia’s House, has been named Charity of the Year in the national Great British Business and Community Awards.

The organisation, which cares for the most seriously ill children and their families around Wiltshire and Dorset, was awarded the national title in response to its vital and responsive work during the pandemic.

Chief executive, Martin Edwards said he was thrilled to accept it on behalf of the "amazing nurses, carers and other dedicated colleagues.

"They are a lifeline to families struggling with the day to day exhaustion of caring for a child with a life-shortening condition. Winning this award will help us shine a spotlight on the needs of such families not just in Wiltshire and Dorset but all around the country. It is vital that they receive the regular respite they need to help them to carry on.”

He added, “I would also like to pay tribute to every other charity that went the extra mile during the pandemic to help people through such extraordinary times.”

Julia’s House receives just eight per cent ongoing government funding to provide its services across both Wiltshire and Dorset and relies almost entirely on the generosity of its supporters to fund the cost of the charity’s essential work.

In a record breaking year, around 1600 national nominations were received for the Great British Business and Community Awards, with 127 entries for the Charity of the Year category.

The award judges said: “Julia's House is an incredible and vital charity that has adapted during COVID. Keep up the amazing work that you are all doing!”

Visit for more information on the hospice and its services.