It's official - Swindon is one of the safest places to live in the country.

The news comes after a research carried out by GetLicenced, which took into consideration how safe the location feels to locals, plus drugs, weapon and violent offences, in a bid to unveil the safest towns and cities in England and Wales.

The company, which trains and helps recruit security workers, created a safety index - and Swindon finished in fourth place with a score of 6.99 out of 10.

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Warrington, with an index score of 7.81 out of 10, was ranked the safest place in the country ahead of Cheltenham (7.32) and York (7.04).

Swindon's perceived safety score was just 3.73 out of 10 - compared to York with 9.85 and Cambridge with 8.88 - over concerns about walking alone at night, being mugged or robbed and hate crime.

But the town fared much better in the taxi availability category, where it was revealed Swindon has 6.32 taxis available per 1,000 people.

It also has the seventh lowest street crime rate, earning a score of 7.71.

Doncaster finished bottom of the list with a score of 2.14, behind Basildon (2.53) and Nottingham (2.60).