BUS fares are going up again in the town because of a rise in costs like wages, vehicle parts and utilities.

The measure comes just three months after Swindon's Bus Company announced its first fares increase since 2017.

But from Sunday adult single fares will rise again from £1.70 or £1.80 to £2 and £2.40 to £3, while dayriders will go up by 30p to £4.60.

The firm says it hasn't taken the decision lightly and it hopes passengers will understand.

Here's what Adver readers thought on social media...

Stacey Wilson-Sly: "More people driving and not using buses then."

Davide Petraccini: "Vicious circle. Prices going up less people using the service so prices will have to go up again and so on. Buses and trains should be affordable to deter the use of cars!"

Justine Hamilton: "Again?! They literally just went up!"

Roger Willoughby: "Second rise in 3 months! Pretty poor, cost of living crisis as an excuse???? They really haven’t got the words right… increasing costs for them are surely to blame cost of living crisis is a household problem."

Paul Holloway: "Soon be as dear as a taxi."

Jason Daffern: "The rich get richer and the poor just struggle more."

Gary Tremblin: "Fuel costs."

Tanya Legg: "But when the fuel prices start to drop again will the bus fares? Doubt it."

Janet Richardson: "But also staff need to be paid a living wage. Appreciate it’s tough for us all at this time."

Ian Purnell: "Maybe they can forget that Bus Boulevard idea at last."

Andrew Little: "What a joke that is isn’t It? The majority of Swindon people didn’t want this new Bus Station, bus as usual SBC never listened. I know they couldn’t spend that money on another project. But a new Hospital would have been so much better."

Kirsty Terri Louise Davies: "A lot of people will walk soon. The prices went up 3 months ago they should not be able in increase it again already. People are struggling with a lot already without worrying how they gonna get from a to b might not seem a lot to some but to some it will be a lot."

Justin Morse: "If the prices don't go up people will be walking anyway as there will be no buses, the bus companies will go bust.

"Drivers wages have gone up, fuel has gone up, parts for buses have gone up it never ends.

"I hope that the government stick to their promise and cap all bus fares to £2.00 in October but for that to happen the government needs to subsidise it or it won't happen."

James Culver: "Shame Public Transport can't be made cheaper and bring back trams for all cities to cut the emissions."

Robert Prout: "I understand the increase if the service was good but recently been charged extra on my card , the service on Saturday morning and Sunday morning are awful .

" I have to walk on a Saturday and Sunday morning as the bus and taxi service is terrible in Swindon - probably done me a favour as save on money lol."

Louise Campbell: "For monthly bus pass it is now £60."