A Swindon councillor and MP have clashed over what should have been done to prevent a damaging leak of sewage into the River Ray in north Swindon.

As news broke of the leak at the sewage pumping station in Taw Hill, and scores of Thames Water staff and contractors and dozens of pumping trucks converged on the Tawny Owl pub near the pumping station, Labour councillor for Rodbourne Cheney, Will Stone wrote to North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.

He said: “Do you think Thames Water could have done more to avoid the current situation by investing more in maintenance?

"Would you support stricter measures imposed on water companies to ensure they maintain their infrastructure appropriately?

"Lastly, do you regret your decision in October to vote down the amendment that would have stopped the dumping of raw sewage into rivers and coastal waters, given that it now harms your residents?”

That last question seemed to irk the North Swindon Conservative MP.

He responded: “I am speaking to Thames Water as we speak around the issues with the Haydon Wick pumping station and future plans.

“You completely misunderstand the issue around raw sewage – not everything on social media is true.”

He sent Coun Stone links to a video and website explaining the vote last year, where Conservative MPs voted to remove an amendment to the Environment Bill which would have mandated water companies to “demonstrate improvements in the sewerage systems and progressive reductions in the harm caused by untreated sewage discharges.”

Mr Tomlinson added: “The sewage system in the UK is predominantly Victorian and requires between £150bn and £660bn of investment to completely upgrade.

“What we passed was a plan to upgrade the network with a taskforce set up to confirm the actual costs.

“The actual issue is during heavy storms overflow water from the drains either has to be discharged or if, as per the amendment, would back up into people’s homes. This is totally unacceptable and a risk to public health, hence the need to get this right.”

When Coun Stone repeated his questions, Mr Tomlinson added: “MPs voted against an amendment which would have led to serious unintended consequences like sewage in the streets and people’s houses.

“The government has already said more will need to be done to ensure there is less pollution in our rivers and streams.

“There will be a huge cost to any plans to improve the situation, you cannot just commit to hundreds of billions of pounds.

"Finally, on the Haydon End sewer, there was a break. Thames Water has teams there 24/7 until it is fixed, which is understandably a complex process."

Coun Stone said: “I just wanted to know Mr Tomlinson’s opinion on whether more could have been done, and whether as the MP he is lobbying Thames Water to do more, which he can do more effectively than a councillor.”