A dealer was caught with almost £2,000 of amphetamines in his freezer, a court has heard.

Simon McKinlay was caught engaging in “some suspicious activity” by police officers in 2020, who were tracking his associate.

He had been driving a car that his co-defendant Anthony O’Connor had got into, Swindon Crown Court heard on Wednesday (August 31).

Prosecutor Andrew Houston said that police swooped and arrested both men.

They found that O’Connor was involved in dealing Class A drugs, something McKinlay denied he was involved in.

When detectives raided his home in Lennox Drive, Walcot, they found 170 grams of amphetamines, a Class B drug, valued at around £1,700, in his freezer.

“Mr McKinlay was interviewed, he made no comment other than stating he 100 per cent did not do crack cocaine, denied selling to anybody,” the prosecutor told the court.

He later pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class B drugs.

Mr Houston said that given the Crown Prosecution Service had accepted his basis of plea, the 50-year-old played a “lesser role”.

Defending, Emma Handslip highlighted that McKinlay is “in a considerable amount of pain” and “is a man of considerable ill health”.

“He has tried to get a GP and has kept me updated as to the difficulties he’s had”.

After failing to attend a previous hearing through health issues, a warrant was issued but McKinlay was unable to provide medical evidence because he does not have a GP.

Sentencing, Judge James Townsend said: “You’ve remained out of trouble for a very long time and you’ve had the sense to plead guilty on a very limited basis that I take into account.

“I’ve read the pre-sentence report, you obviously have difficulties, and I’ve reached the conclusion that a community order for 12 months is the appropriate sentence in this case.”

The judge imposed a year-long community order, during which McKinlay, of Lennox Drive, must take part in a six-month drug rehabilitation requirement, and 20 rehabilitation activity days.

The drugs and cash was forfeited, and the defendant will not have to pay costs.

Meanwhile, at a hearing in July, his co-defendant O’Connor, 52 of Naunton Road, Walcot, who admitted being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs, was given an 18-month sentence suspended for 18 months.

He will have to take part in 25 rehabilitation activity days.