THE Adver received hundreds of touching tributes to Queen Elizabeth II after opening our book of condolence on Thursday evening.

We shared a selection of the responses in Saturday's edition, but there were so many that it was impossible to fit all of them in.

So we've collected them together in this article so everyone can get a sense of what this loss means to the people of Swindon.

Browse the full list of memories, kind words, and thoughtful comments below - or leave your own messages here.

Community answers

Pay your respects to Queen Elizabeth II in our book of condolence

"Please leave your messages, memories and tributes to Her Majesty here."

We asked for your responses - this is what you sent.

From Julie Greenhill

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Queen Elizabeth was the only monarch I knew but I didn’t realise how much she meant to me until she died yesterday. When I woke up this morning it felt as though I had lost a member of my own family. Tears would come unexpectedly throughout the day triggered by unusual things, like the Queen’ s sketch with Paddington Bear. Housework was put on the back burner while I eagerly lapped up the media coverage. Although I wouldn’t call myself a monarchist , like many people I admired what she did and despite never meeting her in person it truly feels as though we have lost a mother, grandmother and friend. She fulfilled her duty in a quiet & dignified way right to the end of her life. I will miss her more than I imagined. Having devoted her life to the service of us she deserves to Rest in Peace .

From Martin stratford

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you your majesty for your devoted service to our country we will miss your smile rest in peace God save the king

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you for being our Constant and beloved Monarch

From Maverick Wills

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Queen Elizabeth II was a light in this world that shined ever so bright. And even though I am only 23 and live in the United States, the Queen was always someone that gave me hope for a better tomorrow. I am deeply saddened by her passing and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family and all those who loved and cherished her.

From Peter Major

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Your Majesty, thank you for everything you did for this country and throughout the world . RIP.

From Valerie Tuck

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Your Majesty, there are no words that can convey the heartfelt thanks you deserve, for your selfless and unerring loyalty and dedication to duty, to your subjjects throughout the Commonwealth. An inspiration that can never be matched. RIP.

From Sandra Mayr Hed

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?This is such a great loss. A woman that is such a huge part of history. I feel so lost as this era has come to an end. She was always just there. Her legacy will live forever. She is like no other. RIP Elizabeth no one will ever fill the shoes you wore!

From Gio Zac

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The Queen was also the reason for many beautiful festivity and Jubilee celebrations, I will remember those thinking of her. God bless her and rest in peace

From Margaret paterson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Your majesty you were such a beautiful amazing lady who will be sadly missed , god bless you Queen Elizabeth ||

From Eileen Kershaw

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?RIP Your Majesty. A great constant in our lives.

From Gillian Gray

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I’ve known no other Monarch in my lifetime the Mother of our Nation and many other Commonwealth countries I believed she was invincible, a wonderful lady who will be so greatly missed by so many. My thoughts are with the family and King Charles and his wife.

From Narinder Smith

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Extremely sad news,HRH Queen Elizabeth II was an amazing woman and Monarch,my love and thoughts are with HRH King Charles III,and the rest of the Royal Family at this very sad time

From Dr Alaa Al-Hamad

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I am very sorry to hear of Her Majesty's death. I would like to thank you Your Majesty for all the love and caring you have given our Nation and the world. May God bless your soul and keep you in heaven

From Maureen Stewart

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She came to the throne the year i was born and left this world after 70 years on the throne and my 70th year in this world you were a Queen we will never forget will allways be in our thoughts .God Bless you Your Majesty now with your Strength and Stay your Prince Philip

From Maureen Stewart

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She came to the throne the year i was born and left this world after 70 years on the throne and my 70th year in this world you were a Queen we will never forget will allways be in our thoughts .God Bless you Your Majesty now with your Strength and Stay your Prince Philip

From Maureen Stewart

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She came to the throne the year i was born and left this world after 70 years on the throne and my 70th year in this world you were a Queen we will never forget will allways be in our thoughts .God Bless you Your Majesty now with your Strength and Stay your Prince Philip

From Ann Lee

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you for everything you’ve done for our country, you’ve done us all so proud. My thoughts are with the Royal family at this sad time. All my love Ann

From Philip payne

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?A true legend ,with morales and loyalty to all around her

From Lara Robinson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a lovely beautiful lady who inspired many around the world and will greatly be missed. She was very kind and funny too. My Nan who adored her will now get to meet her in heaven. Also Queen Elizabeth will be now with her prince Philip and her family.

From Monika Bhatnagar

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She has been the epitome of grace and dignity since my birth. A queen in every respect, Her Majesty will be deeply missed. Rest in the peace you so richly deserve, Your Majesty.

From Ebony Hutchinson & Acklam Grange School

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Dear Queen, was so nice all ways had a smile on her face her bright dressers match her smile. Sweet dreams Queen Elizabeth.

From Ebony Hutchinson & Acklam Grange School

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Dear Queen, was so nice all ways had a smile on her face her bright dressers match her smile. Sweet dreams Queen Elizabeth.

From Lee Williams

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Our queen, the constant in all our lives, you will be forever missed your majesty you have your life for our country and what an example you set, there will never be another like you go be with your husband Philip once again he will be at the gates waiting I can already see you big smile as he greets you before you give him a telling off. For now and forever you will always be our queen god bless you and thank you

From Zara Colaco

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The Queen is the heart & soul of Great Britain. She will be missed dearly. RIP.

From Lord Sterling Bruce Provost

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?As a Retired State Trooper and Special Agent in the US as well as traveler to the UK with my Father who was in the Regan Administration, God Bless the Royal Family. Her Majesty was a Special Lady and person. It was an Honor to visit and experience the love of her life and challenge for the future of us all. Thank you Dear Queen. LONG LIVE THE KING!!!

From Bonifacia Southcott

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I Loved the Queen very much I miss her I am very sad

From Malcolm G Appelbe

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?So sad. The end of an era. As a resident of Windsor, an expat in several countries, The Queen stood as a standard for morals and decency above all the cynicism and amorality of modern politics

From Gail davies

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is indeed a very sad time for the people of the uk. .she put such of her..heart and soul into every thing she did with a 100% commitment her ability to speak to people of all walks of life ....and her devotion to her horses and indeed her dogs particularly her corgies....Prince Phillip and herself seemed to share a humour that some couples don't have....she did not suffer fools gladly...

From Mariam Kamran

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Grit, Perseverance, Determination, Will , Power, Poise. Your "walkabout" was a rebellious moment in history and will forever be remembered. You lived to tell an unbelievable story for and to , all womankind! Rest in Peace Your Royal Highness ♥️

From Gurneet kaur

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?When someone dies, it can be hard to know what to say to those who were close to them, but here The Queen dies 😔. This is such a bad news for everyone. God give strength to the Royal Family. Thanks

From Lynn Milroy

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Sometimes there are no words. I'll go for a simple thank you which seems inadequate. I will miss you, but from you I learned that family should always come first. Rest in peace. Xxx

From Michael Rose

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Queen Elizabeth II was a wonderful monarch, woman and representative of this country of ours.

From Sarah Erwin

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?An amazing and kind woman, such an inspiration to all. Thank you Ma'am for everything

From Natasa Mazija

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?May HM rest in peace . Condolences to Royal family. No monarch achieved as much. Sadly missed. Knowledge passed on may continue with King Charles lll and may that be King Charles lll strength to carry on .

From Anwuli Donald

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a Great mother of all nations.

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?May you rest in peace with your husband you beautiful souls, it’s never goodbye it’s see you later 💔💔❤️❤️👸🏼👸🏼😇😇

From Joceline Stafford

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Our Queen of Hearts will always reign. Thank you for being epitome of grace, strength, and humanity during good times and bad. God bless you , your family, and country. We adored you.

From Lucie Elizabeth Ann Wesson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Please rest in peace your peace Dear Queen Elizabeth II

From Barbara Crook

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?So grateful for 70 years of dedicated service by Queen Elizabeth ll to our country, carried out with grace and dignity. Rest in peace.

From Ian Richard Campbell

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You will always be the mother of the great country we will all love and miss you, May you rest in peace my queen forever in my heart

From Rebecca May

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?What a wonderfully inspiring woman, wife, mother, grandmother, Great grandmother, daughter and of course our beautiful Queen, while the world has lost a gem heaven has gained a jewel.

From Malcolm Robb

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have always admired and respected Queen Elizabeth II and believe she was one of the United Kingdom's most dedicated and influential monarchs. I will also miss the human side that she had the rare courage to let the world see, her poise, style and humour. As an American, I feel a great sense of loss with her passing. Though I am not young, her reign has spanned my entire life and the world seems somehow lessened by her loss but blessed with her memory. Her family and subjects have my deepest and heartfelt condolences. The world will miss her.

From Chiara Belli

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I extend my sincerest and heartfelt condolences to the royal family. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.

From Mirza Amar Ahmad

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She is all we as a nation ever known. She was a dignified lady and provided stability and strength. She was woven in the fabric of peace for the world. I wish to convey my sincerest condolence to Her Majesty The Queen’s family. May God elevate her status in heaven.

From Chimanlal Patel

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My deepest condolences to Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family.

From Margaret Egan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?That she was a wonderful role model as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother and to the whole world. She will be greatly missed and will be irreplaceable. She was very dedicated to her country and took her oath to God and country very seriously. May you rest in peace your Majesty and are now in the hands of God.

From David Nelson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I am an American who has loved Her Majesty for many, many years. Please accept my sincerest condolences at the Death of a Great Monarch and Great Lady.

From Claudia Muscat

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She transcended generations, had a selfless sense of duty and was true inspiration for many generations past and future. The world is lost without her . The end of an era indeed

From Janet carritt

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You have in my life since I was born.1950 you were a remarkable woman. You gave your life to us all RIP forever in our thoughts.

From Janet carritt

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You have in my life since I was born.1950 you were a remarkable woman. You gave your life to us all RIP forever in our thoughts.

From Lucy puffett

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You were truly an amazing person. Thank you for everything you have done for your country. Its time to rest now and be with you husband again. RIP ❤️ xx

From Nicola Robertson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?To me you were a beautiful lady to be admire and aspire to you always gave me strength to carry on no matter what you meant so much to so many rest in peace always in our hearts you served us well x

From Manisha t

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My condolence. our prayer is always with you. She was a very strong woman. She was the best queen and supporting

From Shelby Innocent

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The one and only queen I will ever know! She was such an inspiration to me as a powerful woman in the country,not only to our generation but to the future generations too. She will always be remembered for everything she has done for our country. Most importantly god save our queen wherever she may go beyond this life on earth

From Addison Whitworth

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?rip liz you were a great person over 70 years of your great ruling over our country. You looked just like my nan who has passed on thank you for looking after our country and charles will continue your legacy. Rest Easy Elizabeth

From sean hurst thompson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My deepest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal family at this sad time. Rest in peace His Royal Highness Prince Philip. My deepest condolences to the Queen and family on the sad passing of such a loved man you are in our thoughts. RIP Sir your duty is done. reply by letter my address is brought on lodge London road Macclesfield Cheshire SK110JG i would like a response back

From Hannah Shakeeb

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?A truly inspirational Lady loved by so many x RIP your Majesty

From Lilibet Torbert

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Although American, I am British by nationality. I am also named Lilibet, and am devastated by the news of our great Queen passing. My deepest condolences to the entire royal family and the nation. God save our King.

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace your majesty, I hope you and Phillip are at peace together now. You have made this country great for a whole 70 years. United Kingdom now has a massive hole without you as Queen. Serving the Army, singing “God save the Queen” was the best part of my life, the feeling and pride you get from it. Rest in Peace. I hope you’ve bought your Corgi’s

From Sharon townsend

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?A glamorous beautiful lady with a heart of gold. Thank you for your service ma'am

From Phillip Jordan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?God has saved the Queen, for her spirit rests with our loving God, we give thanks for her extraordinary life. She was not only the Queen of England & the rock of the British empire, but she was so much more to so many. We saw her not just as the Queen but as a symbol of strength & kindness with a huge heart, and sense of humor, who was never was afraid to share it. She pledged her life to the service of the British people, and did so without reservation and with distinction. She became a focal point of civility and kindness, in a changing world, she left that world a much better place for being here. A faithful servant of God & Humanity , now rests in peace , my heartfelt prayers & condolences go out to royal family, on this difficult day.

From Donald Mark Pelletier

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Her Royal Majesty was a great lady who carried herself and her office with great panache, poise and an almost inhuman conviction. Her presence will be remembered for many years to come

From Jasmina Stanczyk

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II. You will be greatly missed.

From Shaid ishaq

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?We have lost our queen our symbol of Great Britain … not only a queen but a mother to us all , definitely to me… I still cannot believe we have lost our queen… a leader who no one can fill.. singing the national anthem will bring a tear and sorrow in my heart. Sleep well and may allah give you the highest ranks in heaven

From Shaid ishaq

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?We have lost our queen our symbol of Great Britain … not only a queen but a mother to us all , definitely to me… I still cannot believe we have lost our queen… a leader who no one can fill.. singing the national anthem will bring a tear and sorrow in my heart. Sleep well and may allah give you the highest ranks in heaven

From Susan Hodkin

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?A truly beautiful lady and such an inspirational to us all and will be sadly missed ❤️

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Carol Dubroc Rasmussen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have so much respect for my Queen. As an American with an English Mom I was taught my English heritage. That included learning about Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She served with such grace and style. I will miss you.

From Angela Pridham

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?An incredible lady who served our country right to the end thank you for your service Mam, may you rest in peace.

From Bliss Gardiner

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I would like to thank you for your incredible service to all of us. You have always been such a presence in my life and I would like to thank you for everything

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace our long serving monarch,especially when u served in the raf during the second World War and the then became our fantastic queen, R. I. P

From Kokila

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?RIP your majesty the queen, you are such a blessing to this world. Please bless us from heaven.

From Manoj K Jha

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?"May Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace and rise in glory.”𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌 -

From MR Sean Hurst Thompson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I'm deeply sanded for the loss of heir majesty the queen Elizabeth i really liked her i just sent a letter to her but unfortanly she passed away today i wich made me cried i vcried today because queen is dead also im going to remember of the queen she sjhould rst in peavcce in heaven and i would like a reply by letter from the king chrales if you can do that by post i gaved you the adress where you should post it im fgeeling sad for the queen because she died im feeling very sorry for the royal family of her family for the queen i just shocked to hear from the queen said she is died at age 96 please do reply by post to my asdress is bellow i will send my adress here now broughton lodge london road macclesfield chesire post code is SK110JG i wosjh i could get the queeen to live longer but unfrotanly that didnt happen she was my best queen ever i woiuld loved to meet her but I didn't have time to meet her before she died today i just want to make a tribute for the royal family the pain fain they gave to sufferer are sad for the loss of queen Elizabeth

From Janet Leckie-Simpson-McGregor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you Your Majesty for all the long selfless service you have given this kingdom, as you leave it to enter into the blessed rest you deserve in God's kingdom, reunited with your husband Philip.

From Parag Panchal

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You are still in our heart . Me and my family respect you a lot

From Anna Valentine

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace Elizabeth with your solemate Philip. You've worked hard all your life now its time to rest. Condolences to your family , friends & staff. Gone but never forgotten 💔

From Amy McLeod Robertson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I can't believe she lived till 96 as she looked good for her age.i admired her spirit and everything she did for the country thought out the years .she was admired by so many people around the world and also will be sadly missed though out the world and the UK.

From Rebecca Hayfield

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I don't know a time when Elizabeth wasn't queen. She was a marvellous lady, her legacy is incredible. She will be greatly missed. May you rest in peace our beloved Queen.

From Abraham Ordaz

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a wonderful kind person who felt like she would never leave us but today I cry hearing that the queen has left us

From Berend lokhorst

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a great leader, condolances from the netherlands

From Harriet Lumb

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace queen Elizabeth

From Jo Hodgson

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She is safe in heaven now with her Lord and Saviour.

From The Rev Paul Scammell

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is with deep sadness that we share, with all your subjects, our condolences on the passing of our highly beloved Queen. Her life is most truly a model of service to all of us. We can be assured that Her Magisty, is now at rest in the heavenly realms joined with Her beloved Prince Philip in God's love, the peace of Christ and comfort of the Holy Spirit. We pray the wisdom of the Holy Spirit be with King Charles and Prince William as you guide us moving forward. May the love of God, the peace of Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and light perpetual upon our dearly beloved Queen.

From Jacob Crookston

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II

From Ryan morgan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You was a truly amazing queen a rock to our country. Deepest condolences to all the royal family at this very emotional time. As a nation we will remember you. R.I.P QUEEN ELIZABETH II your back with your husband Prince Philip. Totally heartbroken x

From Tara Ard

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Her Majesty was always an inspiration to me. She was loved all over the world. It is a sad days for those of us who felt love for her. I will be praying for her family.

From Onesmo Olengurumwa, National Coordinator Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My heartfelt condolences to the Royal family and the people of UK for losing such a great heart of Uk and beyond. As citizens of Tanzania I value the contribution of her on issues of human rights especially in Tanzania through the UK embassy and UK Aid. We indeed miss her poleni sana

From Lewis Wale

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?To the greatest monarch the world has ever known, Rest in Peace. You were an inspiration to us all, the bedrock of what makes Britain great and the master of democracy. You will be sorely missed. My deepest condolences to the other members of the Royal Family also. She was the Queen to us but to you she was a mother, grandmother and beloved head of your family. I hope you take great comfort in the international tributes that are pouring in for possibly the greatest Briton ever to walk this earth

From Derrick McClure

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She always had a nice word to say m y time I had the honer to meet the queen in 1976 she said I looked tired when I told her I was up all night nevers she smiled I will never forget her smile. She will live inside me for ever love you my Queen

From Derrick McClure

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She always had a nice word to say m y time I had the honer to meet the queen in 1976 she said I looked tired when I told her I was up all night nevers she smiled I will never forget her smile. She will live inside me for ever love you my Queen

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Well done Maam " RIP "

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Well done Maam " RIP "

From Sharon Hitchmough

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Deepest sympathy to King Charles 111 on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11

From Lorraine Kingsland

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?For over 70 years and also for my 57 years you have been our Queen and you have done this with humility & duty. You have been a leader in teaching us how to be decent & no matter what was on your place, you never complained. Without you as our Queen, I worry about our future but Charles is a kind man & he is with camilla who deserves to be King’s Consort. They have my full support, as do William & Kate. You have been my Queen for the 57 years that I have lived..You will always be my Queen, you are irreplaceable but your son & grandson & great grandson have been schooled by you as to how to lead our country try & the commonwealth . Rest in peace my Queen with your Phillip, the Queen mother, your sister Margaret & King George! Huge Respect to you!

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Amazing fanastic . A English rock. Always smiling always happy. I admire her.

From Pat Bixley

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?May you rest in peace. You are such a roll model to all of us. You really will be missed by the whole world. Xxx

From Jean Sowka

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I am from the US and while my husband and I were on tour of the British Isles in 1983, I conceived my 2nd child. When I found I was having a girl, I immediately decided to name her Elizabeth. We were also in London when the Queen Mum had passed. So Britain and the Royal family hold a great deal of significance for me. My heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and all the people of the British Empire.

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It’s so sad that are Queen has past away. Queen Elizabeth ll will always be in my heart as a veteran. My deepest sympathies go out to all the family. I know you will all miss the head of your family so much. RIP your majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

From Kayla Lee

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I am very sorry for this devastation. We will miss you. You were a great queen and I send my condolences to your family. I wish you the best.

From Stephanie Magers

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in Peace. Your presence will missed.

From Siegfried H.Dyroff

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I'm sending you my deepest condolences. I'm really sorry for your loss, your majesty. My deepest condolences to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family. Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty and the entire Royal Family,from a German citizien

From Teresa Taylor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?We salute you Ma’am . You served us as you promised. Stand down now and join your beloved Philip . RIP Queen Elizabeth the 2nd ❣️

From Jean Sowka

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?

From Antoinette lowbridge

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Prayers and thoughts are with you all on this very sad day.,from Ireland y sad queen Elizabeth.

From Antoinette lowbridge

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Prayers and thoughts are with you all on this very sad day.,from Ireland y sad queen Elizabeth.

From Ernie Evensen

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is with a deep sorrow and sadness we pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth, the only queen in my lifetime of 70 years____. Please accept our most heartfelt condolences and prayed for a tragic loss

From Niki curtis

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?So sorry to hear of ur passing may u rest in peace and thank you for ur time serving this country thoughts are with all the family at this difficault time

From Sue Cooper

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a beautiful person. No body with be able to replace her. She was compassionate, and was dedicated as our queen. She will be missed so very much. RIP our beautiful Queen 😢😭❤️❤️Xxxx

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Queen Elizabeth ll's unwavering devotion to her people, her country and to duty was one of the main reasons I was proud to have claimed my heritage and become one of her subjects three years ago. Her life and her reign were amazing, full, heartbreaking, historic, long, and successful. I am comforted, as I think she was, by the fact that she spent her last days at Balmoral, a place she shared so many happy memories with Prince Phillip. She was an example of diginity and a pillar of strength and I am grateful to have been able to call her my Queen.

From Gary Lee Bisset

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?

From Julie smith

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you ma'am for your service. Rest in peace and reunite with Philip. X

From Paul Cox

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?On this very sad day of such great loss to us all in mourning the passing of her majesty queen Elizabeth our steadfast rock with such amazing grace I must give my heartfelt condolences to the royal family and all who loved her

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Sincere Condolences ! for Queen Elizabeth II !

From Holly Toni

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace our beautiful, gracious queen!

From Alfier James Vincent Rimmer

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you for serving our country with love and honour. I hope you R.I.P

From Sonya Bull

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My mother was named after 2 of the most beautiful princesses Margaret, Elizabeth. Our Monarch HRH Queen Elizabeth Ii, you will be sadly missed, sleep peacefully, be at one again with your Prince our love and sincere heartfelt sympathy to all your family on this very sad day. God bless you Ma'am RIP ❤️ I'm sure Charles will do you proud "God save the King" The Bull family. Devon

From Nizam Shah Allabasc

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is with great sorrow and sadness to hear about the death of the beloved century Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms.

From Samantha crossland

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It a sad day for the royal family and also the all of the uk best queen the UK had

From Samantha crossland

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It a sad day for the royal family and also the all of the uk best queen the UK had

From Michelle Lauree Miller

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?In 1951 Princess Elizabeth and her husband visited Calgary Alberta. Their cavalcade was to pass by my grandparent’s house and while the whole family was on the front lawn waiting to see the beautiful Princess my great uncle was horsing around with the children. He rolled down the hill and broke a beautiful blue spruce tree. That tree survived and flourished, growing into a beautiful tree and was forever known in our family as Queen Elizabeth’s tree. My grandmother said that Princess Elizabeth was so beautiful and waved at them as they passed by. That tree was a symbol of how the Queen not only survived but turned into a strong and beautiful head of state. A silly story I know, but a happy one for the many generations of our family. The Queen was always and will always be part of our family. Our condolences to the entire royal family, from our family to theirs, and May long live our King.

From Samantha crossland

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It a sad day for the royal family and also the all of the uk best queen the UK had

From Shanna Gunnink

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a great leader she will be greatly missed

From Zoey Lee

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The Queen - Rest in peace, your majesty, I'm sad that you've gone. You will be missed by the nation and way beyond. Thoughts are with the royals, at this awful time, everyone's sending their love to you worldwide.

From Mrs yvonne betterton

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Our queen may you rest in peace we thank you your majesty thinking of all the royal family at this sad time from all the betterton family from swindon wiltshire

From Christopher is OBrien

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?

From Julie Aitchison

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was my inspiration as a woman of grace power always strong

From Community contributor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was so cute with such a gorgeous soul

From Kevin Goodwin

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?

From Chiara Snopekova

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a symbol of stromy women leading.

From Mihai Pintilei Jabenitan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you for an immigrant`s chance to experience a decent society. I`m crying and I will mourn for you. Rest in peace.

From Nicky Pearce

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in Peace Ma’am, and thank you

From Aaron hall

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Thank you for 70 years on the throne may you rest in peace now ma’am

From Ellen Black

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Queen Elizabeth will be forever in our hearts... a wonderful example to everyone follow...the family is in my thoughts and prayers...may she rest in peace

From Emily Banks

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace to the Patron of girlguiding uk thank you for all that you have done for the sisterhood of girl guiding and for all you have done for the country thoughts are with your family

From Tracey perry

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Her majesty, I've only been alive for a short time that you have reigned our country. I was proud to call you our Queen. The country won't quite feel the same without you, you cared about your country! May you rest in peace with Philip and finally put your feet up! X

From Lady Sharon Farley-Mason

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is a very sad day to hear the news of the world loosing such a strong wonderful woman, the Queen will always be a roll model to all woman, sleep in peace and your now again with the live of your life Prince Philip. RIP

From Gareth harman

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace queen Elizabeth

From Jennifer Pascali

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The world has lost the most wonderful woman of our times. We loved you and will miss you. Thank you for your service and all that you contributed for the good of the world.

From Donald Allen Smith

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You have lived long,rest now your Majesty but know you shall be missed for eternity.

From Helen Lydon

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I am very sad at the passing of our dear Queen Elizabeth. One of the happiest times in my life was her silver jubilee in the summer of 1977 when my whole town celebrated with verve and loving sense of community; I was 7 then. I sang God is Gone Up by Orlando Gibbons for her visit to Glasgow Cathedral in celebration of her Golden Jubilee and the poor woman fought not to keel over during such an arduous and not particularly well sung piece of choral music - I will forever admire her committment to her duty as Queen, thank you dear Queen

From Cynthia Baigts

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I have admired her since I was little, she has left an indelible legacy over time, for her sense of duty, intelligence, resilience and great love for her country and her family. God rest his soul. My most sincere condolences from Barcelona.

From Mrs Alison Mckenna

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?She was a lovely respectable woman. Always loved and cares for her family and the nation. She will be sadly missed. May she rest in peace

From Jain Kuzhipathalil John

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace my Queen.. you will be remembered for ever

From Cheers Sabanathan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Eternal rest grant unto Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, oh Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon her. Requiscant in Pace, Queen 🙏🙏🙏 Condolence to all the British Royal family😢🙏💐

From Mr Eren Fayers ex Grenadier Guard

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Our Queen our Rock God Bless you Mam Rest in peace with Philip from my Heart and ex body guard GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AND GOD SAVE THE KING X

From Saba Osmaan

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Rest in peace we will remember u always

From Leanne mcgregor

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?My respect for queen Elizabeth II continues into her afterlife. May she rest in peace and reunite with her late family and friends. May you rest in peace.

From Beatriz Silva Dos Anjos

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?I never got to met you but i just know you were a lovely person , rest in peace.

From Varda Gulati

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Royal lady rest in peace

From Jane Peachey

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Such sad news that we have lost our Queen such an amazing woman don’t feel there will be anyone who can live up to her commitment to our country I feel privileged to have been around during her reign and I know my parents who are no longer with us felt the same . I hope that Charles can continue to keep the Royal Family alive for as many years to come .. Never forgotten Thank you xxx

From Marie Aitchison

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?

From Melinda Arthur

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?This woman has always been queen for my entire life. I cannot believe she is gone. Truly a one of the kind woman who was not afraid to get her hands dirty with her hard work. She never backed down and set a wonderful example. She will truly be missed.

From Jess stemp

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?The queen was a great leader, was loved by everyone and someone who I will always look up to big up queen liz


What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?It is with Greatest sadness indeed to the passing of the Royal Highness, Her Majesty, The longest serving Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth

From Donnie Aitchison

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?Remarkable woman historical figure

From Susan Elizabeth baxter

What would you like to say about Queen Elizabeth II?You where there all my life, I thought you would live forever. Thank you for your service to our nation. Rest in peace. All thoughts with your family