A MELKSHAM care home has been rated by residents as one of the best in the South West.

Blenheim House has been chosen by their families as one of the top 20 care homes in the South West of England.

There are 1,914 care homes in the area, with the top 20 receiving an award from the UK’s leading reviews guide to care homes, carehome.co.uk.

The 2022 awards are based on over 87,000 reviews received from residents, their family and friends between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2022.

The Review Score was calculated using a combination of the number of reviews, the average of each of the ratings and the size of the care home. Care homes were excluded from the awards if they were not compliant with their regulatory authority at the time of the announcement of the awards.

The homes were rated on: Overall Standard; Facilities; Care / Support; Cleanliness, Treated with Dignity; Food & Drink; Staff; Activities; Management; Safety / Security; Rooms and Value for Money.

In the UK, there are over 17,000 care homes, caring for around half a million people. Over 12,000 of these homes support older people aged 65 and over, while the rest care for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues.

Amanda Hopkins, reviews manager of carehome.co.uk, said: “Reviews of Blenheim House show they provide an excellent standard of care and we would like to congratulate them on being a Top 20 care home in South West England.

“It is a huge achievement to be named as a top rated care home by the residents who actually receive the care as well as their family and friends.”

Chris Guest, customer relationship manager at Blenheim House, said: “We are overjoyed to be recognised as a Top 20 Care Home in the South West for the second time in a row.

“This wonderful achievement is the result of the outstanding dedication from all of our teams at Blenheim House, who deliver exceptional care and attention in all of their roles, with the sole purpose of helping our residents living happy and fulfilled lives.

“We would like to thank all of our residents and relatives for the fantastic reviews and words of support and look forward to our new residents joining us thanks to this wonderful award.”