PENSIONERS in Swindon have been left bewildered by the bumbling bus pass operation.

Three weeks after the new concessionary bus pass scheme was launched, many old people are still waiting for theirs to arrive.

Most are confused about the application process for the passes and say the council needs to improve its communication.

Elizabeth Ruff, 64, and her partner Kevin Tolley, 68, from Park South, are both disabled.

Mrs Ruff said: "The bus is very important to us and we would like to use it to go further afield. For example, we'd like to go to Salisbury.

"But we've been waiting and waiting for this pass and we've heard nothing.

"I think it's disgusting. The council doesn't communicate with anyone, it seems like they just don't care."

Linda Crabbe, 77, from Old Shaw, said: "Neither me or my husband has received our pass.

"I must have been one of the first people to apply for the new pass because I did it as soon they first said.

"It's a case of first-come last-served by the sound of it."

Joan and Gordon Mordue have had a confusing time.

The couple moved from Swindon to Lyneham last year but didn't realise that this meant their new bus passes would now come from North Wiltshire District Council.

Mrs Mordue, 64, called the Adver after she received her bus pass but her husband did not.

She said: "I thought it was strange that mine had been delivered but not my husband's.

"Then when we went to the council offices in Swindon they said we should have applied to North Wilts and took my bus pass off me. So we went from having one bus pass between two to having none at all - that'll teach me."

Gerald Ough, 63, from King Henry Drive in Grange Park, said: "I actually thought you had to be 65 to get a bus pass.

"The council are quite good with literature on most things but it seems like they've missed out on this and nothing seems to have been done about it."

Keith Bedford, 66, from Abbey Meads, said: "I think it's wrong when they don't meet the deadline they have announced.

"If they had said something about it, then that's okay but there's been no communication about the problem, and that's wrong."

A spokesman for Swindon Council said that renewal forms for passes should have been sent out to those eligible.

Anyone who didn't receive a form or who has any queries is asked to call the council on 01793 445500.

A spokesman for North Wilts District Council said the firm delivering the passes was dealing with the backlog, which should be cleared this week.

He also confirmed that anyone who had a bus pass last year should automatically receive the new concessionary pass.