A dog walker and its owner were attacked by another dog at a popular beauty spot.

The person and their dog were walking at Coate Water on Monday (October 10), between 3.30 and 3.45pm when a white Staffordshire Bull Terrier-Jack Russell cross attacked them, police said.

Swindon Police are currently appealing to the public for help in tracing the owner of the dog that attacked them.

"We unfortunately don’t have any photos, but the woman in charge of the attacking dog is described as white, with short hair, 50s or 60s in age and riding a mobility scooter," a Wiltshire Police spokesperson said.

Her dog was a white Staffordshire Bull Terrier-Jack Russell cross type.

If anyone has any information or could help identify the woman, please contact police on 101 quoting reference number 54220104957.