Two former Honda employees have given their thoughts on Amazon's arrival in Swindon as the one-year anniversary of the fulfilment centre approaches.

The factory opened on November 1 last year at the Symmetry Park industrial estate.

In July 2021, Honda closed its doors at the South Marston industrial estate facility for the last time, bringing the curtain down on 36 years of manufacturing in Swindon.

3,400 people lost their jobs, with many of those having worked there for decades.

Fortunately, Amazon opened its facility a few months later and hired a whole host of staff from the former Honda plant.

Now, two former Honda employees who have gone on to work at the Amazon fulfilment centre have given their thoughts as the first-anniversary celebration approaches.

Amir Alir worked for the Japanese car giant for 27 years before losing his job and has now been working for Amazon for almost a year.

Speaking to the Adver, Amir said: “After three months this place opened and when I was made redundant, I thought where is the next job going to come from.

“And when this place opened, I got a job here and I’m happy here."

The 48-year-old recounted the moment when Honda announced that they would be closing the factory.

“It was a big shock for everyone, losing my job was disappointing especially after 27 years.”

Amir added that he was so happy when he got the news that Amazon would be hiring so soon after being made redundant.

“I didn’t expect to get a permanent job so soon after losing my job at Honda, after three months.”

Nigel Ramcharan was in a similar situation after losing his job at Honda and spoke to the Adver to give his thoughts.

He said: “I always look forward to working here, it’s stress free. There’s not a single day where something stresses me out.

“Whereas the past 20 years at Honda every morning, I got up and I was stressed.

“I was paid triple the wage, but I was stressed."

The 48-year-old said Amazon’s presence in Swindon has had a positive impact on the local economy.

“Amazon has done well for Swindon over the last year and I hope they stay.

“I have found a lot of younger guys coming here who are not really skilled to do a technical job and found themselves being able to be trained and have some career choices.

“It’s pretty much fantastic to have this facility right now for us in Swindon.”