A disabled Swindon resident says he wet himself after being refused the use of a toilet at a Swindon cafe.

Craig, 35, is a wheelchair user due to his condition of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS), which he has suffered from for around six years.

When he and his mother visited the town centre on Thursday, October 20, he needed to use the toilet and, after seeing that Costa's facilities were busy, the pair entered Second Cup Coffee Company.

The cafe, located at 35 The Parade in the town centre, still had customers in according to Craig at 4:45pm, but he was met with obstruction when asking to use the facilities.

“I am appalled by the way I was treated. I have never had that before in my life,” he said.

“There was a woman mopping the floor but when I asked about the toilet, she gave no real reason at all but outright refused me, saying it was not company policy."

The card that Craig presented the member of staff with states that the holder of the card has a medical condition that requires them to use the toilet facility urgently.

It does not legally enforce that the toilet must be provided to the holder of the card.

With access to the facilities in the café not given, Craig said he had to go to The Brunel Shopping Centre instead, but by the time he arrived, he had wet himself.

The situation was made worse as he and his mother had to catch the bus home after 5pm during rush hour, meaning his dilemma was made visible to many members of the public.

"My bladder is really weak as a symptom of my condition,” he said.

“With being in a wheelchair on a bus, you have to face everyone head on, so everyone could see that my trousers were wet and the cushion on my wheelchair was soaking wet.

“The fact it was in the town centre, and it was rush hour made it particularly bad.”

Craig’s mother Sharon, who witnessed the whole event, was disgusted by the treatment that her son had received.

“They are obviously not a disabled-friendly coffee shop and with absolutely appalling customer service, I will never give them my custom,” she said.

Second Cup told the Adver that it was their company policy to only offer the use of their toilets to customers.

A member of staff said of the incident: "I said that the toilet was for customers only. You can use the public toilet which is in the Brunnel Centre.

"We do not provide the services to people who come in, being demanding to the staff.

"If you come to us like a human being, politely, we are happy to assist you."