Remembrance no place for politicians

I respond to the report and pictures (November 14, Large turnout at Remembrance).

Once again we see Swindon's two MPs, Robert Buckland and Justin Tomlinson laying wreaths at the Swindon cenotaph in memory of the war dead.

I'm sure I speak for many when I say I find the sight of politicians from across the political spectrum laying wreaths in memory of the war dead galling and hypocritical.

How many of these politicians across the UK have voted for war and in support of war in recent years? And I have absolutely no doubt that those politicians would vote for war tomorrow if a vote was held.

I find it sad and scandalous that Remembrance Day has now become a day of celebrating militarism where we see pro-war politicians from across the political spectrum competing with each other as to who can display their support for the armed forces the most, and at the same time speak about peace campaigners with disdain and contempt.

The late Harry Patch who died in 2009 and was the last survivor of of the First World War said war was a licence to murder.

Why should my government take me to a battlefield to shoot a man I never knew and whose language I couldn't speak? That is the question that myself and others in the peace movement have asked about the recent wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

The warmongers in Parliament today disgrace his memory. It's the peace movement across the UK that know the real meaning of remembrance, and not those hypocritical politicians who lay a wreath at the cenotaph each Remembrance Sunday.

Martin Webb

Old Town

Ribbon appeal

Charity Meningitis Now has launched its 2022 Ribbon Appeal, which gives everyone an opportunity to remember loved ones this Christmas.

We’d like to invite your readers to dedicate their own ribbon.

Each year the charity helps people to honour those they have lost with a ribbon inscribed with their family member or friend’s name.

These are placed on our Tree of Remembrance at our Christmas Concert in Gloucester Cathedral. A permanent tribute is also made in our Book of Remembrance.

To dedicate a ribbon visit our website at before November 25.

Ribbons can be placed by anyone left bereaved, regardless of the circumstances or cause of their loss, and all donations received in exchange for a ribbon will help Meningitis Now save lives and rebuild futures, through research, awareness and support.

It’s only through the generosity of individuals that we’re able to offer our lifesaving and life-changing services, and your support really does make a difference

I hope your readers will be able to help us again this year as we continue the fight against meningitis and look to beat this devastating disease within a generation.

If anyone would like to know more about our fight against meningitis and our Ribbon Appeal, or get tickets for our Christmas Concert on Friday, December 2, please visit our website at

Leah Wynn

Fundraising Manager

Meningitis Now


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