Already dealing with major traffic delays across Swindon, someone’s morning got off to an even worse start as they were stopped by Wiltshire Police.

The roads going in and out of the town, as well as many through it, were mainly gridlocked throughout the morning of Wednesday, November 16, due to a serious incident on the A149.

This meant that heavy traffic congestion was the norm across Swindon, buses were delayed and, of course, commuters were angered.

Read more on A419 crash:

Yet one driver’s morning went from bad to worse as they were halted by Wiltshire Police this morning for not wearing a seatbelt.

“RPU stopped a driver for not wearing a seatbelt in Swindon,” read the Tweet from Wiltshire Police’s Specialist Ops Twitter account.

“It’s one of the things we’re targeting as part of our fatal five Project Zero.

Wiltshire Police’s Specialist Ops started Project Zero, an initiative that will be targeting communities across Wiltshire tackling the fatal five offences, on the same morning.

The police list the five as excess speed, drink/drug driving, driving whilst using a mobile, driving whilst not wearing a seat belt & careless/dangerous driving.