A Swindon pensioner has been left with no choice other than to use a sink for his daily wash for the past three months after suffering delays to his new shower being installed.

Richard Fry, 74, decided to upgrade his bath to a shower cubicle back in September of last year and got in touch with Emergency 24/7 Plumbing to sort out the installation.

But four months on, and Richard is still without a shower - and forced to wash in his sink every day.

“They took my bath out later on in September but when the shower arrived, which was in October, the shower feet were missing so that caused more delays,” he said.

“Its on the floor in the lounge still after three months.

“I’ve been using a sink to wash daily for over three months now,” he explained.

“I feel frustrated, depressed, and fed up. In 50 years I have never known someone as incompetent.”

The cost for the work was paid up front and Richard paid over £6,000 for the services which are still yet to be completed.

“They’ve got all the money and provided very little so far,” he said.

“The quote is double what it should be and I feel like I’ve been robbed of £6,000.”

Swindon Advertiser: Richard has spent over £6,000 so far but is yet to see much difference in his bathroom.Richard has spent over £6,000 so far but is yet to see much difference in his bathroom. (Image: Dave Cox)

Emergency 24/7 Plumbing’s manager, Henry James, 27, explained the problems with Richard’s situation.

“We try and make sure our customer service is the priority as we value customer satisfaction, we don’t like customers upset,” he said.

“We haven’t tried to avoid him, delays in supplies as well as our small team suffering from flu has caused this.”

The company uses materials and supplies which are imported from overseas and Mr James also suggested that a delay in receiving these has caused Richard’s shower to be delayed.

“Our suppliers have been affected by events such as the war in Ukraine and of course Christmas delays,” he said.

“We are working to get new suppliers as we import all our goods from abroad to ensure they are of the highest quality.”

Emergency 24/7 Plumbing is a nationwide company with headquarters in London, as well as another location in Leicester, and has a team of around 25 employees.