A play area popular with Swindon families is getting a £20,000 refurbishment.

Work has begun on upgrading the Plattes Close play area off of Cartwright Close and could be completed by the end of the month.

The old slides and swings which have been a feature of the park for years have been removed after becoming out of date.

A new climbing frame and slide, train seating, cradle, basket swings and ride-on springer will be installed in their place.

“We are excited to utilise the parish team’s skills to install a new play area at Plattes Close,” said Paula Harrison of West Swindon Parish Council.

“We know that playgrounds are important for local families and so the parish council has allocated a budget of £20,000 to replace the existing equipment and fencing.

“This is a popular site for local pre-school children and we hope these changes will keep it busy for years to come.”