A meeting between the company which runs the closed Oasis leisure centre and campaign group Save Oasis Swindon appears to have been positive.

SOS issued a statement after their meeting with Seven Capital, in which borough councillors attended, saying that they were shown illustrations of the revived pool and dome.

The statement read: “All parties re-affirmed their commitment to a reopened Oasis, but also understand that a lot more work needs to be done. Whatever is decided needs to be feasible, affordable and sustainable in today's climate.

“SOS was pleased to hear that Seven Capital stated that no houses would be built until the Oasis is brought back to life, in line with existing contracts.

“Overall, SOS was excited to see for the first time, visual illustrations of the pool interior and slides for the revived Oasis, as well as eco-dome.

"We hope these plans and other information will be made public at the quarterly public meetings proposed by Seven Capital.”

Seven Capital has not yet responded to a request for its view of the meeting.

David Renard, leader of Swindon Borough Council, was at the meeting and said: “The Conservative administration continues to work with Seven Capital on delivering a reopened, rejuvenated and sustainable Oasis.

“Seven Capital is well-resourced and committed to working through the complex challenges with the council and bringing forward a development that delivers a new Oasis, much-needed housing and best value for the taxpayer.

"It must be recognised that the Listing [of the dome and swimming pool] has added significant cost to the project and delayed redevelopment. In addition, a new Oasis needs an operator who can run the facility on a sustainable basis whilst the demand for leisure services has not returned to pre-pandemic levels and energy costs continue to be high.

“We are committed to working with Seven Capital and are closer to finding a solution to the Oasis and North Star sites for the benefit of all residents.”

The leader of Swindon’s Labour councillors, Jim Robbins, was also in attendance. He said: “It is clear everyone wants to see the Oasis reopened and Swindon residents being able to visit.

“Save the Oasis presented the views of residents collected via their survey, and Damien from Seven Capital gave us an update on progress.

“The Labour group is determined to make sure that the Oasis is re-opened as soon as possible and will do all we can to make sure that it is a great facility and affordable for the people of Swindon.”