A SWINDON nursing home has challenged the results it received following a recent inspection. 

Rose Cottage Nursing Home, on the High Street in Haydon Wick, was given an overall result of 'requires improvement' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after an inspection in December last year. 

The report, published in January, shows that it was rated 'good' in two of the five categories it uses to measure care home performance, which are 'safe', 'effective', 'caring', 'responsive', and 'well-led'. 

While Rose Cottage was found to be 'good' in both the 'caring' and 'responsive' categories, it 'required improvement' in the other three, meaning its overall rating was 'requires improvement'. 

But the CQC website shows that one or more of those ratings is now under review.

Highlighting multiple issues, the report said: "People were not always protected from the risk of harm. Records did not always evidence action taken to keep people safe. Staff were not always provided with detailed guidance to follow when supporting people with complex needs.

"Medicines were not always managed safely. The provider had an auditing system that included auditing medicines; however, shortfalls found during inspection were not always picked up by these audits."

They added that despite there being systems in place to monitor safety and quality, it was not always clear if incidents or accidents were investigated.

The CQC report did note that people and their families gave positive feedback and they were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives with staff supporting them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests

But it added that some documentation around best-interest decision-making was missing.

Lee Mary Thomas, the registered manager at the home, confirmed that a challenge had been made over the ‘effective’ category because the CQC appeared to contradict itself in its report.

The report said it ‘requires improvement’ in this category, but later said: “At our last inspection we rated this key question good. The rating for this key question has remained good. This meant people's outcomes were consistently good, and people's feedback confirmed this.”

She told the Adver: “I’d like them to check if this is ‘remained good’ as they’ve written, or if it ‘requires improvement'".

The review is still ongoing at the time of writing. 

Rose Cottage, which provides accommodation and personal care for up to 21 people, was previously rated 'good'.